25 Things To Do When You Are bored

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1. Eat

2. Spray whipped cream all over your face, get down on all fours then run up to your mom barking like a rabid dog.

3. Make a Facebook account for your pet.

4. Buy an apple and throw it at your neighbor.

5. Run around your neighborhood pretending you are Jesus.

6. Run around your neighborhood prtending you are a cat.

7. Go to a park, sit on a bench and stare at children like you are going to eat them.

8. Go to a grocery story with a friend and have a shopping cart race.

9.Stand at the bus stop screaming about how you lost your watermelons, do not break character.

10. Go to your local library and when you see a librarian helping someone go up to them and angrily tell them to be quiet.

11. Count the squares in a roll of toilet paper.

12. Spin around in a circle while looking at the ceiling. ( I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DONE TO THE PERSON OR THE SURROUNDINGS!)

13. When your parents try to lecture you, bark like a seal. (I just did this one.)

14.Dye your hair a wacky color.

15. Turn everything you can in your house upside-down.

16. Hug a tree.

17. Write a letter to Obama. (even if you are not American.)

18. Play hot-potato with an actual potato.

19. Fold napkins into animals.

20. Walk into the middle of the street and act like you are on So You Think You Can Dance.

21. Brush your teeth 21 times.

22. Run around your neighborhood acting like you are in the Hunger Games.

23. Watch T.V.

24. Roll around on the floor.

25. Try to do EVERYTHING on this list.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2012 ⏰

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