Chapter 19

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Cece gets home and throws her purse on the couch then lays down and stares at the ceiling then hears her phone go off and grabs it

Rocky : sorry about Ty

Cece : it's ok I don't need that jerk

Rocky : oh well your taking this pretty well

Cece : yeah

Rocky : wait what about the vacation

Cece : let him come I don't care

Rocky : oh ok

Cece : hey invite everyone to crusty's it's karaoke night

Rocky : ok cool sounds fun

Cece: k we'll see u there

Cee puts her phone down and walks to her room and goes in her closet and takes the dress Ty gave her out and puts it in a box and slides it under her bed then grabs her red top with a black skirt and red heels and gets ready then walks to her dresser and grabs her jewelry box and takes off the locket Ty gave her and puts it in and walks to the living room. Cece gets to the living room And sees flinn on the floor playing video games

"Oh hey cece I made you something" flinn said

"Ok" cece said

Cece runs to the kitchen and grabs a container an gives it to cece she opens it and sees cupcakes inside

"I made them for you" flinn said

"What did you put in them" cece said

"Just love" flinn said

"Ok then" cece said

Cece puts the cupcakes down and grabs her purse and phone and walks to the door then looks at flinn

"Wanna come"? cece said

"Were"? flinn said

"To crusty's" cece said

"Yeah let's go" flinn said

Flinn runs out the door and cece looks at him then closes the door and leaves.

Shake it up ( Cy unconditional love) *Part 1*Where stories live. Discover now