Chapter 2

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A/N: Really sorry if my writing is crappy :D
~~Italics~~ - a memory
Bella woke to a knock on her bedroom door.
"Bells? You awake?" Charlie's voice could be heard from the hall. He slowly opened the door and popped his head into the room.
"Morning... dad." Bella said hoarsely, sleep still clouding her brain.
"We need to go to the high school to finish your registration after lunch, okay?"
"Okay, I'll get dressed and make breakfast." She yawned as she spoke.
"Bells it's 12 o'clock. Anyway there's no need for you to do that, I was thinking we'd go to the diner for lunch." Charlie chuckled at the confused look on his daughters face.
"Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to have a shower and get dressed then."
As she stood under the warm water, Bella thought about the last time she could remember being in Forks.
"What's up Bells?" Charlie asked his overexcited daughter.
"Look what me and Jake made! He showed me how to braid the leather!" Bella rambled on. Her excited little 7 year old eyes sparkled as she held up a small bracelet. Charlie and Billy chuckled as they saw Jacob's little figure scurrying towards them, the 6 year olds face filled with worry.
"Belly! Why did you run off?! You scared me!"
"Sorry Jakey, I just really wanted to show my dad what we made." She said whilst giving him a hug.
"It's okay Belly." Jake replied softly.
Billy and Charlie smiled as they watched their children interact and at that moment Sarah call them all into the Black's home. Billy, Charlie, Bella and Jake , the latter two holding hands, all walked inside where Sarah had created a mouthwatering dinner for the five of them and the twins.
"Bella! You ready?" Charlie shouted up from the bottom of the stairs. Bella quickly tied her laces and grabbed her light blue hoodie as she called back " yeah! I'll be down in a second!". As she left her room she grabbed her phone, iPod and earphones.
"Ready!" She chirped as she reached the last step.
"Okay, let's get going."
Charlie and Bella had a great afternoon. When they had lunch at the diner, they talked about Charlie's work, Bella going to a new school and old memories and when they had finished at the high school they made plans to go to Port Angeles to buy Bella some new clothes and school supplies that Sunday, ready for Bella's first day of school that Monday. When they got home, they had had enough time to tidy downstairs and do the previous night's dishes before they made their way to La Push.
"Dad...? Will Jacob be there?" Bella asked as they got into the cruiser, she would really need to find a cheap car or truck soon.
"You remember him huh? I don't know Bells, he's been really busy around the res lately."
"Oh, okay. I hope so though, it would be nice to see him."
They arrived at the Black's at 5:30 and a beautiful Quileute woman that looked very familiar to Bella walked outside.
"Isabella Marie, is that you?!" The woman called as she walked towards them.
"Auntie Sarah?!" Bella cried. She ran up to Sarah and gave her a huge hug. That was a mistake as, when Sarah hugged her back just as hard, she winced in pain from a large bruise that covered the top half of her back. A bruise left there by Renee and Phil.
"Izzy? Are you okay honey?" Sarah frowned in concern.
"Um... Yeah it's nothing. I fell and hit my back last week... It still hurts a bit." She said quickly.
"Okay..." She replied slowly, not believing the girls explanation, "Why don't you two come in, I know Billy is very excited to see you Izzy."
As they walked into the living room, Bella saw the man she recognised as Billy sitting in a wheelchair.
"Uncle Billy? What happened?!" She said, confused and distressed by the sight.
"Renee never told you Bells?" Charlie questioned, eyebrows furrowed, "Maybe she didn't want to upset you."
"I was in a car accident six years ago Bella, it paralysed me from the waist down honey." Billy told her.
"Oh my goodness! I can't believe she didn't tell me!" She was furious at her 'mother', "Anyway, is Jacob here? It's been so long since I've seen him." Bella's tone changed along with the subject.
"Sorry sweetie he's out on tribal business, he might be back before you leave though." Sarah answered.
Sarah had made a full roast dinner and Bella was astounded at how amazing it all smelled and tasted. She had forgotten how talented Sarah was in the kitchen. While they ate, the group talked of old times and as they were finishing Sarah's delicious homemade apple pie, the front door opened and a tall young man with short hair burst in.
"Mom?! Dad?! Are they still here? I don't see the cruiser but Charlie usually..." He trailed off as he entered the kitchen.
"Jakey!" They shouted in unison. Jacob walked to Bella and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Jake... Can't. Breathe!" She struggled to say as she winced.
"Oops... Sorry Bell, I've just missed you so much! I can't believe you're really here!" He rambled on excitedly as he loosened his hold and Bella giggled.
"I know Jake, I've missed you too."

They spent the rest of the evening catching up in the garage. Bella commented on Jake's size and warmth but he merely shrugged it off as a growth spurt and his genes. She asked him about his friends and school, to which he had replied that he was actually graduating a year early due to being very advanced. Jake in turn, asked Bella about her school in Phoenix, her friends, he mother and her hobbies. Bella however, gave him very few, very short answers. He saw that she didn't want to talk about her life in Phoenix and noticed the pained expression on her face when he had asked about Renee, but he decided to not push his old friend, whom he saw as a little sister even though he was the younger of the two, and ask her about it another time. It was past 10 when the Swans left La Push, Bella driving a blue Chevy that Jacob had fixed up for her. They were both exhausted by the time they made it home so they both went straight to bed after saying goodnight to each other. Bella had had a fantastic day and was so happy to have reconnected with her un-biological family. She hoped that she would have a good first day at school on Monday and wished that she could have Jake there with her so she'd at least know one person. That was her last thought as she drifted off into unconsciousness.

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