Frank placed the cigarette between his lips and let Gerard light it, taking a slow drag from the cancer stick, that he had developed a liking to after being exposed to the toxic yet enticing scent by his best friend.

Gerard laid back on Franks bed boredly, sighing and running a hand through his greasy black-dyed hair as he stared up at the glow in the dark star stickers that had been on Franks ceiling since 7th grade, but still remained as they were over halfway through senior year.

"How's the essay coming along?" Gerard asked, convinced that the sound of frank typing on the keyboard of his laptop would drive him properly insane, although it wouldn't.

"Pretty good so far" Frank smiled softly over at Gerard before getting back to work.

Gerard nodded quietly and sat up, grabbing Franks half-empty coffee mug from beside the other boy, sipping the now lukewarm, bitter liquid with a sigh of content.

Gerard received a playful eye-roll from frank who had grown accustomed to his friends antics.

Despite Gerard's 'sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll' facade, Frank knew he was a comic nerd who loved Bowie just a little bit too much and once dressed as slave Leia, in the classic gold bikini, because he lost a bet to his little brother.

Frank wasn't complaining, however, that Halloween was the best birthday of his entire existence because whether or not he admitted to himself he liked Gerard a little too much to much, the boy's body looked fantastic in the scandalously skimpy outfit.

The thought crossed Frank's mind, the memory making frank bite his lip slightly before taking a long drag of his cigarette and focusing fully on his writing.

Gerard smiled as he watched Frank work intently, sipping his stolen coffee and wishing he was in the privacy of his bedroom so he could draw frank because he couldn't help but be infatuated by his friends sharp features.

Gerard watched Frank's hands move as he typed, his tattooed fingers grazing over the keyboard perfectly and gracefully.

Gerard couldn't help but stare, he often found himself staring at Frank, basking in the beauty that resonated off of his friend. "What are you thinking about?" he asked genuinely as he watched Frank.

"You know how the ducks fly south for winter? What do the fish do, where do they go when the lake's frozen?" he said, chewing on his thumb nail as he flipped through the pages of his book.

Gerard nodded "don't they just stay there in the lake?" he said simply and shrugged "they've probably adapted to be used to extreme temperatures" he said simply.

Frank nodded quietly as he listened to Gerards logic "you're smart" he said softly, finding the quote he was searching for before typing it down.

"Not really, just logical" Gerard shrugged and smiled softly as he finished off the coffee and stubbed out the butt of his cigarette, tossing it in the trash and setting the coffee mug on the bedside table.

Frank nodded as he worked on his essay, "hey Gee?" he asked.

"Hmmm?" Gerard hummed as he curled up against Frank's side, not entirely paying attention to what he was doing, as it was nearly 2am on a school night and he had to admit he was getting rather sleepy.

Frank smiled and ruffled Gerards hair, he had to admit the boy was rather cute in this sleepy, cuddly state. Gerard leaned into the touch, his eyes closed as he sighed contently.

Frank smiled and got back to work with Gerard snuggled into his side, finishing an hour later and closing his laptop, Gerard sitting up and smiling sleepily at Frank "'m bored wanna go out on an adventure?" he whispered groggily, his black hair sticking out in all directions.

Moonage Daydream (a frerard oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now