3. All the other Kids

Start from the beginning

Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop

Talkin' to me

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Giving me things

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

Laughin' about it

Stop, don't stop, don't stop

I said don't stop, don't stop, don't stop 

With me" I looked up at Damon. He beckoned me over. I put down the gutair walked cautiously over.

He smiled sincerly and cocked his head towards the door.

"Please hear me out. Give me five minutes, thats all I need." I turned to Henry.

"If I'm not back in five minutes, come get me." He nodded. Damon placed his hand on my back and led me out the door. 

 We went to a deserted part of the school, right behind the music building. This was where the gardening club met up after school.

"I know what I did was wrong, and I know I hurt you, and I know I probably ruined any trust you had in me. But please Audrey, give me another chance. I promise that if you do, I will make up for everything, I will never leave your side. I will make you love me again, and gain back your trust." He he placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it with his thumb. "Please Kitten?" I gasped. That was his old nickname for me, and I always loved it. "You like it when I call you that, huh Kitten?"

"Yes." I hesitantly admited in a whisper. Damon gave a small smile and kissed my forehead.

"I still love you. I love you so much." He said. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Its bad enough that you cheated on me, but the fact that you cheated on me with one of my best friends, and that I walked in on you two, that made it worse."

"It was a complete mistake Kitten, please, please let me make it up to you." He stroked my cheek agian. "You never said goodbye. I know I cheated on you, but it would have been nice to know you were leaving." 


Mystic Falls June 4th 2011

I steped out of the passenger side of Stefans car and wiped away another tear. Stefan came around the back of the car with my luggage. Elena, Meredeth, Bonnie, and Margaret all pilled out of the backseat and I stood infront of them. I went to Meredeth first.

"I'm gonna miss you Merry." We hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you too! Text me ever hour on the hour okay? Until next month!" I nodded and laughed.

"I will." We let go of each other and I moved on to Elena.

"Promise to have fun in Califorina, and be the party girl." I smiled.

"So you mean, take after you." She nodded.

"Exactly." We hugged and I crouched down to Margaret. 

"Please don't go Audy!" I hugged her.

"I have to." I pulled away from her. 

"But your gonna be brave, right?" She nodded. "Bye my little ball of sunshine." I kissed her head. I choked back a sob and stood infront of Bonnie.

"I'm so sorry Audrey, Please don't hate me! If I had a chance to redo it, I would say no. I was just realy drunk and-" She sobbed and launched forward in my arms. I hugged her back and smoothed her hair.

"Oh, Bonnie." A tear rolled down my cheek. "I know you didn't know what you were doing. I'm not mad at you, I swear." I steped back and ruffled her hair. Then I stood infront of Stefan. I really started crying and this time launched forward into his arms. I sobbed into his neck and nuzzled it. Stefan had become my big brother in a way.

 "I'm gonna miss you so much Stefan. I love you." He pulled away and kissed my head, then wiped away the tears that were coming. 

"I love you too. Call me as soon as your plane lands, okay hun? And tell me if anyone gives you any trouble, because if they do, I will run over there myself and kick their ass."

"Now bording flight 23 to California." I sighed and hugged everyone one last time. I waved to them as I got on the plane.


"Auds?" Henrys Voice pulled me out of my flashback. Damon had been stroking my hair. I pulled away and got up. Henry wrapped an arm around me.

"Audrey wait!" I turned around. "Please?"

"I don't know Damon, Let me think about it for a few days." I sighed. "And you don't have to make me love you again. I never stoped."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2012 ⏰

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