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TONY STARK HAD NEVER BEEN THE BEST AT DECISION MAKING. This had been proven several times throughout his (surprisingly) long life, but Natasha was pretty sure this was his worst one yet. "She killed her parents," Natasha said, glancing at the man once again to determine whether or not he was sober. "Exactly, we need her," Tony gestured towards the screen.

The damage to the home was incredible; everything, including the bodies of Harold and Allison Young, were burnt to a crisp. It was interesting, that the police believed that the fire was set by one of the Young's miserable maids, but not the only member of the family who managed to survive against the flames. They had never been the brightest source the Avengers had, though. Natasha sighed and leaned her elbows against the glass table of one of the many conference rooms. "Why, Tony?"

"She has fire power. Literally. She killed them after she found out they had three kids murdered for finding out the Young business was selling drugs. She may not have handled it the best way-" "She burned her house down!" "But she's got the right idea. She's powerful, she's smart, 4.0 GPA, rich, beautiful-" "Now you're just naming reasons why you'd date her, Tony."

"Just trust me on this one, Natasha. She's going to be a great asset to this team," The off-duty hero tapped his finger against the glass as the words settled into the air and the elevator door opened, revealing the one and only Scarlett Young. "Tony Stark, I've heard a lot about you. Interesting architecture, but whoever did it had it out for you," She stepped into the room and glanced at the image projected in the air before rolling her eyes and taking a seat at the table. "Pardon?" Tony arched a brow as she crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair. "The pillars aren't steady, even though this is a fairly new building, plus your security system sucks. I mean, didn't the spider girl use faux-facial recognition technology to take down Alexander Pierce a few years ago? I could have easily been like, a psychotic killer, or something." "You are a psychotic killer," Natasha pointed out to the other redhead, who smiled pointedly and turned to her, "Hello spider girl." She waved.

"Right well, I'll check that out, I guess," Tony muttered under his breath. "So, you wanted to meet me?" Scarlett asked. "Yes, uh I'd like to formally invite you to join our team," He said, smiling at Scarlett who furrowed her brows. "Your team? You mean the group of latex-wearing, border-hopping, over-dramatic weirdos on the news twenty-four seven?" She asked, for clarification obviously. Tony frowned, "Yes, that one."

Scarlett laughed and began to stand up, only for Tony to interrupt. "Let me rephrase that, Scarlett: you'll join our team, or the police will find out that they have the wrong young woman in jail for the fire." Scarlett whipped around and felt the tips of her fingers start to tingle, Natasha stared as the girl's red lips tightened into a thin line. "Excuse me?" She seethed. "You heard me, little girl. You join us, our you join the prison gang. It's your choice," Tony smiled at her.

"Well then, you'd better get my room ready, Stark." He grinned at the redhead, whose dark grin never faded. "Welcome to the team, fire girl," Natasha murmured and walked out of the conference room, the image of Scarlett's sparking fingertips playing over and over again in her brain.

"Two can play at this game," Scarlett whispered as Tony arranged her floor with FRIDAY. She smiled and turned, her heels clicking across the tile of the tower. The devilish grin on her face burned almost as bright as the fire within her.

hello my babes. what did you think about this chapter? feedback is appreciated as always!!

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