chapter 2

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the next morning.....

reader pov

"hiromichi gou," i had just walked out the shower, having dried my hair and placed the towel around my waist. he had spoken to me. "what?" i asked, starting to scan the room for the whereabouts of my clothing. "its my name. hiromichi gou," he said. he was laying on the bed sprawled out on his stomach. nothing was covered. i...i could see the remains. "oh. that's good to know," i honestly didn't care. on one hand, im glad i was able to 'get lucky' as himekawa would have put it but on the in someone's house right now. in a back alley way in some trashy neighbor hood and i haven't the slightest idea of how to make it back home. hell, i don't even know how to get back to my car. "what's yours?" he asked. he seemed zoned out. not really here mentally. he had been staring at a spot on the wall for a long time. "why do you need to know?" i asked, stumbling upon my underwear. i shook them out and quickly slipped them back on. the cleanliness of them was honestly the last thing on my mind, not to mention the fact that i spy no evidence that i used protection last night either. right now im just focused on getting dressed and at least  getting back to my car before i can really freak out. "oh come on. don't be like that. after last night, we should at least be on a first name basis," he chuckled, rolling over to his back, revealing the remains on his chest. he lifted a leg up to stretch before resting it back where it was. he scratched his stomach lazily. "damn, man. you really did a number on me," he grinned warmly.

"im sure last night was a lot of fun for you now if you don't mind, i need to get dressed," i had found my jeans and socks. just a few more items before i can go. "oh don't get all high and mighty on me. you came quite a bit too," he grinned, leaning on his hand and watching me as i moved about. i found my shirt underneath a pile of other clothes that had to be his. i didn't even smell it, knowing that id throw up if i did. i pulled it on, holding my nose and breath. i found my shoes and the useless jewelry and put them on.

"now, i bid you ado," i said before walking towards the door. i reached for the handle. "door don't even work, babe. we came in the window for a reason," i heard him get out of the bed and walk into the bathroom. the window? why on earth would i---you know what? i don't even care. im already in some strangers house. no clue where im at. not to mention that again, i did have unprotected sex with some stranger that i met at a club, i presume, in his dirty little.....what the hell is this place? some kind of experimental home? a project of some sort? its pretty much just a large room with a closet for a bathroom, a kitchenette, if you could even call it that, and a few windows. its insulting that people have to live here. this place should be condemned.

i cant even believe im doing this. i walked across the room, opening the window as much as i could. i had to use one of the shirts on the ground the touch it. it was extremely rusty. i climbed out side, stepping on a grating. i had to climb down a few levels to get to the ground. i patted down my pockets. my phone, wallet, and keys were all intact. i looked around. there was only one way to go. i started walking straight.

"hey!......hey!...." i had been walking for about an hour now and i haven't seen anything familiar. i had looked over my shoulder to see the guy from last night jogging in my direction. he managed to catch up to me. he was laughing. "damn man! do you have no kinda patience? i woulda took ya back to the bar had  you waited like....what?" he glanced at his watch," ten more minutes? this place is a maze and you are clearly lost," he said. i sighed. "im just  trying to get to my car so i can go home and put this.....situation behind me," i rubbed my hand. that hang over hadn't yet receded. "i understand. just follow me, ok?" i just nodded.

i was lead through a few twists and turns before the club came into view. "and here we are," said the guy. "thank you," i said before i started in the direction of my car. i walked for a few minutes before i had noticed that he was following me. "that will be all," i said, shooing him away. he laughed. "now what kinda host would i be if i didn't make sure you got to your car safely? this is a pretty dangerous neighborhood, ya know," he said. i sighed.

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