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Juhn lik kirkatz hurn. "Jun y u do dis. I mad." Junathan smurk nd tapz kurkuts bulde tip. "Bcuz i hurney." Den day fuq.


Ruxy buy cottunkandy nd giv to jany. Janey sai, "wutz dis shit." Ruxy sai slowey, "cuttunkandy." "Y u gimme dis?" ruxy throw at her jina saiding, "das y." Den rixy fuq junay.


Meenah touched Aranea's wee wee

"Y u touch der"

"Because I glub you ray ray"

Then they did the sex

The end

Daveh look at Juhn. "Juhn u so cuet. I kis hut lops." Dove kissed Jihn lip. Juhn muth, filled wit warm saluvia kissed him bak. "Mmmm davu I no homeo!" Dabe say. "O realy." Nd he penetated dah ass.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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