Swara OS :" Learning Tips From Experts

Start from the beginning

So swara tried asking her mom who advised swara to  just wait till her husband accepts her back like she waited  or have her daughter sacrifice everything to help her get back with her husband.

Sadly Swara doesnt have a daughter to help her again the fault of the writer who never decided to give kids to anyone even Pari bhabhi wasnt allowed to have a child and had to pay the price of turning into am vamp for Trp ,her sister did have a pregnancy track one of the track where she was going solo as well.

So that was the reason swara was here in the cafe because she  found the perfect person to ask for help. After all her friend  loves to help others just as much as swara  does, so just after one phone call.

Her friend dropped  her husband, family and problems and reached baadi to help Swara in her mission and she also brought her friend.

After the brief meet and greet ,the three friends sat down to talk about the worst crisis in Swara life.

Swara had to tell her story from the beginning as they tend to forgot it as time passes . After retelling her story with tears in her eyes about how much she had went through in trying to convince her husband. She sat down to ask their help.

" As you can see, i tried everything but he is still not getting back together with me. And some viewers are  blaming me saying i haven't given him importance  but what shall i do when i see my sister suffering like that. You tell me am i wrong?" Swara spoke up first .

" Ofcourse not, it is  sister above everyone else for me too. I did just as you so  many times as well , I left my whole family for years to save my sister" Simar didi answered back .

Swara was acquainted with Simar didi when the writers decided to merge the two shows for more TRP , it doesn't matter if there is no story ,the writer like merging the shows and have swara and Simar didi go on a joint mission .

It was why Swara had invited her to help today as well ,because unlike swara ,Simar didi was married for so many years and she would be the perfect person to help her .

" And you husband took you back just like that" Swara asked in awe wondering why her husband wasnt like Simar didi's husband .

" Oh well he hardly has any other choice. He always takes me back" Simar didi answered back ,proud of herself .

"It has been two months and he is still not moving an inch from his stance. What should i do" Swara asked her hoping to find the perfect advise from her .

"Just two, Girl you are lucky. We had years of separations. And that too more than once ", Gopiji answered back ,she was the friend Simar didi brought with her because she has more experience with TV shows as well

"This might work though, Well do you got any crazy guy who likes you , When they are about to marry you , it a given your husband will come to rescue you ,they dont like us moving on with someone else. No matter what" Simar didi answered first proud of her idea

"Well i had one, name was Sahil sengupta . There had been a marriage track as well but the track is over now . So tell me something else" Swara answered back deflated Sahil wasnt around anymore .

"Hmmm it either you find new crazy boyfriend or your husband find his new girlfriend. That how all tracks go",  Simar didi replied back. 

" My Sanskar is not like that, He will never look at someone else other than me ", swara was quick to come to her husband defense

"You are still young ,so you dont know. Every separation track when i return back to my husband  always got a new girlfriend . And even Simar had suffered like me too. While we pine away for our husbands. They casually move on from us each time and we have to fight to stop the marriage each time too"Gopiji replied back as she reminisced about her husband. 

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