Every time I looked into his eyes I felt lifted, free like I was fading away getting high off ground.

I finally went to form and even though I was twenty-five minutes late, everybody was there except for the teacher. They all went silent and stared at me, remembering that I was that new girl. I hoped they were welcoming. I approached my desk only too see a person sitting at it.

"Excuse me, but you're sitting at my desk" I said with attitude, whilst smacking my gum between my lips because we nerds do that and also because lips can chew.

He looked up and I saw that it was Jake. Oh joy. He's sitting in my seat that bloody bacon.

He kept looking up at me, his eyes drilling holes into mine. We were once again locked in a passion fruit eye lock. I could see the mini drills advancing towards my brain so I broke the intense gaze.

"Um okay, I'm sorry I'll find another seat." He said kindly. Then he got up and moved to the desk beside mine.

I sat down and looked at Jake from the corner of my eye.

Everyone thought that he was a delinquent, a hopeless cause, but I saw more. He just showed me his soft side and I knew that this badboy was a good innocent person on the inside and that this badboy persona was just an act to hide his true feelings. He was beautiful but they just couldn't see it.

I'm probably the first person that he has opened up to for ages.

"Erm may you please refrain from staring at me like you know me and all my secrets because it's really creepy and I can't be dark and mysterious if you keep doing that." Jake said.

I blushed whilst he stared at me. No emotion was displayed on his face but as soon as he caught sight of my face, he smirked. That seems to be the only facial expression he does; well that and no facial expressions at all.

"Awww is that a blush I see on your face hun? I think it's there because of my hotness. It has probably started to burn you." he said with an even bigger smirk on his face.

"Haha no" I said convincingly, though he didn't look very convinced.

The teacher then walked into form, forty-five minutes late with no explaination, and sent us out to class without marking the register.

"So galaxy what's your next class?" Jake asked.

"Errrr, economics" I replied even though economics was not available in GCSEs.

"Cool, I'm in the year above you yet somehow we are in the same form. I think I might actually turn up to my next class though. Since I'm doing ny A-Levels, I won't share any of your classes, heck I'm not even in your year" he said with a stoic expression, then we continued down the corridor for ten more minutes chatting about unimportant stuff that will probably be very important later on in the story. Oh well. After that we walked in silence for a long time.

You might be thinking "What the fudge, America/ The United States does not have GCSEs!?" well you're right. This is because even though we were in America a few seconds ago, our entire area has moved to The UK.

What does 'UK' stand for? I don't know but I'll use it anyway. The UK is a country in Europe. Since I don't know what part of the UK I'm in, I'm going to assume that we're in Wales.

"Hallo how do you do, top of the day to you old friend" said Jeeves as he passed me in the mile-long hallway.

After this Jake left me without any parting words. Rude much. So I continued down the hallway for another fifteen minutes or so before reaching my economics.

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