I laughed lightly at my own joke while he stayed there, with different tubes attached to his body.

"your reports say there are some small particles in your in your arteries... you know I was so worried about that, from the day I came to know about it I wanted to operate you, but these silly family of yours and their silly demands. But now I promise you, you would be fine and you will have to promise just one thing... till the time the operation is not over you will have to keep this machine beeping... Sameer don't you dare sink there in that operation theatre or else I would kill you with my bare hands whenever I would lay my hands on you."

God only knew what was I expecting, an assurance, or him to wake up.

We humans are so stupid we know what the situation is, we know what the reality is, yet we expect the unexpected to happen.

Like I expected right now for him to wake up and say "damn girl chill I am alright" and dance al around this room.

But I was soo wrong, that was a wish, one which is soo different from the reality.

I sat there still holding his hand, it felt as if he was giving me strength, but in all as well wondering what would be the answers to my questions.

I was still looking at him holding his hand, when there was a loud knock on the door and someone came in.

"Arohi, your mom had called... I think we need to tell them now." Neel said as he walked up to me.

How could I?

Telling them all about this case, was what I had always wished for. But now when it's the time, I don't know why my whole existence has started to shake with fright.

"I – I don't know !"

"shhh it will be alright, just tell them the first half, I know they won't be able to accept the whole thing. But then I as well have a way... we – we can tell them after the ope-ration?"

Though Neel was suggesting me a way out, his suggestion came out as a question, as if he himself was in a dilemma.

"right now my patient here needs me Dr. Neel, and I think its not really in our hands to stop for some time more, I think we should start with the procedure." I said in a professional voice.

Being professional right now was the best thing to do.

If I would bring up that friend in me, then me as a doctor would fail to do my duties, to save this person... and then might as well loose that friend of mine.

I took the clipboard on which the details were written and walked out to come face to face with sameer's traditional family.

I was glad that this family didn't have any girl yet, because if it did had, then I cant even imagine the life of that poor girl.

"Namastee Aunty!" I greeted sameer's mom by touching her feet and repeated the same process with his dad.

Though sameer's dad was not happy , with me treating his son... but when Neel and the senior doctors made him understand that I was the best they could have as doctor for their son, reluctantly he agreed.

But then there were some conditions, which no hospital would have agreed for, but then just for the sake me and Neel the commitie agreed with those unexplainable conditions.

"how is my son child." Aunty asked, while she wiped her tears.

Those tears, which have been falling for god knows how many months now!

'Aunty we are going to start with the operation, all I need from you all is to prey for him, sometimes along with us doctors, miracles are something what we need, and we can't lose even a single thing that we could do for him." I smiled at her and walked back to my team who was waiting for my instructions.

And We Fell In Love !!! (completed)Where stories live. Discover now