Untitled Part 9

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i went home frustrated because of what happened. can you imagine it, I've been idolizing him for so long then i finally met him and turns out his a total jerk! but, i admit he really good looking! if the situation is not like that i might ask for a photo

i forgot what i'm doing when i heard my phone

kring ...

kring ....

kring ...

She's Morgana, my bestfriend,We're both Filipino, we met at a charity event here in England,and yes, she's a teacher too but in different school, we have the same age but she's more on a nerdy looking but super super cutiee and she' fun to be with so after the event we hang out and liked each other and the rest is history

Hey! i happily greeted her. i miss her

Hi,Claire, i just called because i want to invite you this coming next Sunday for an even,program she said using her very cute tiny voice

What event is that? i asked

It's a feeding program for small Children here, but the real reason why i called you, my friend that i loved the most, i guess she really needs something

what is it?spill it?! i ask shaking my head

the thing is we're still lack of funds right now so maybe you could help us? find some sponsors or people who are willing to donate? please, pretty please!!! i can imagine her saying it using her famous puppy eyes. she's so adorable

Ok! ok! i'll see what i can do. i'll try my best! send me a letter like a solicitation thing so i can gave it to my co-teachers  i said, i really can say no to her

yessss! thank you! thank you! i love you so much! she said happily

she ended our conversation to send the letter i asked her, not so long i received the email then i quickly printer a few copies


i went to school very early not to avoid them but to talk to them and gave them these letters

then madame Liezel arrived, i walk towards her and told about the program and she's said that's she's happy to help so i gave her the envelope, she told me that she'll hand it tomorrow

when almost all the teachers are here in the faculty, i told them about the program and ask them if they can help in any sort, they all agree to help so i handed them the envelopes, they say to get it tomorrow

as i walk towards my classroom, i saw a man standing in front of my door holding something wrapped

as i went closer and closer to the man he slowly looks at my direction

We both looks shocked!!!!

we both freeze and stare at each other .

You! we said at the same time

What are you doing here?! again, we both said at the same time

Well, i'm teaching here at St. Benedict. How about you mister?! i asked him 

i saw his face turns red and he suddenly hide the thing his holding and put it on his back.

Ahmm-- he started

Oh, Hi Uncle. you're here?! why you didn't told me you're coming? Jackson talks to charlie, and he called him Uncle. 

Don't tell me his, his Jackson's Guardian??? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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