Rodrick's Wedding

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I walk down the hallway until I see Rodrick's room and I can already hear DL.

"Rodrick that boy is going to make a fool out of you." DL said as I entered the room.

"Thank goodness Travis will you please talk some sense into him." DL asks me.

I look to see Rodrick standing in the mirror fixing his bowtie not giving a fuck about what DL was saying.

"DL man it's the day of the wedding, we've been through this it's Rodrick's decision." I say to him.

"Thank you." Rodrick says looking at us and then rolling his eyes.

"Travis you know shit is not right with this, Tim hasn't been to any of the wedding rehearsals, they've only been dating for six damn months, and Tim has never spent the night over Rodrick's house, DL said pleading to me.

"Wait what, Rodrick is that true, has Tim never spent the night at your house?" I ask him confused.

Rodrick stops fixing his bowtie and looks at me, "No..... but it's because his mother is very ill and he doesn't want her to be alone."

"Rodrick, you have to admit, that does sound suspect." I said now agreeing with DL.

"Thank you." DL said impersonating Rodrick.

"You know what I asked ya'll to be in my wedding because ya'll are my friends, and instead of being supportive all ya'll have done is ridicule my relationship," Rodrick said clearly hurt.

"Man Rodrick we're just wor..." I started.

"Just get out I have to finish getting ready." He said.

"But Rod.." DL started.

"Please just go." Rodrick said.

Me and DL looked at each other and decided it would be best for us to just leave. We get outside and I hit DL in the back of the head.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me they've never spent a night together." I ask him.

"Bitch don't you ever hit me again." DL said rubbing the back of his head.

I hit the back of his head again, "Aye stop with that bullshit." He said pushing me off of him.

"I was going to tell you, but Rodrick said not to, he said it would look bad." DL said shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course it would look bad, who the hell marries someone when they haven't even spent one night with them." I said shaking my head.

"Wait...." DL said.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"What if Rodrick is Muslim." He said being serious.

"Boy what the fuck have you been smoking." I ask him.

"I'm forreal you know how people in the Muslim faith have arranged marriages, maybe this is one. All the facts check out, they don't spend the night with each other because they would end up having sex before they're married, man it makes perfect sense." He explained like he had just solved an investigation.

"How much weed did you smoke today." I ask smirking at him.

"I don't know three." He said laughing and making me laugh at the same time.

"You're a mess." I said calming down from laughing.

"What the fuck are ya'll laugh at?" somebody said down the hallway.

It was Devon, Kermit, Alex, Greg and Evo.

"None of your damn business Alex." DL said.

I smirk at Alex knowing that they are about to have me cracking up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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