Chapter One

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My Damaged Heart 

     Arielle sighed, checking her phone for the last time. She stood up and glanced around, then opened the wide doors of the coffee shop, ready to leave. This was the 8th time her date had stood her up. Each time, it was the same. She would get a match on Tinder, they'd set up a date, her date would look her up for research, and then, she was a goner. They always found out about her past. No one would ever know the truth.
     She stepped outside into the chilly air, then came to a halt. Her dark mahogany Lexus was right in front of her, in perfect condition. But right next next to it was a shiny Tesla, parked so close to her car that there was no possible way she could get in from the driver's seat. What asshole drives this car? I should give him a piece of my mind. Arielle angrily thought. But, being the shy woman that she was, she didn't have the bravery to do it. So she decided to write the driver a note. She finished up the last sentence, then decided to place it on the Tesla's windshield. She had just reached over and slipped it in when a loud, blaring noise erupted into the sky. Her eyes widened.
     The car alarm! She should have just entered from the passenger's seat, but it was too late for that. She buried her face in her hands, mortified.
     "Quite the array of words you used here." A deep voice said, chuckling. Arielle's head snapped up. Her bright red cheeks were greeted by the chiseled face of a handsome man. A sophisticated man. A cruel man. The man that hurt her so many years ago.
     "Julian?" She said, shocked.
     "Miss me?" He said with a grin. Arielle groaned, then her stress turned into anger.
     "How dare you show up here after you broke my heart! You used me and threw me away, and all of a sudden you move to the tiny town that I live in? Stop playing around. I know the real Julian Quinn, and you will fool no one in this town with your sweet charms if you bug me." She shouted at him in one breath. Julian's mouth fell over at her outburst.
     "Wow ok. Sorry you feel that way Princess but I actually came here because of a business trip. Dial down your ego and maybe I'll think of coming to see you. Bye." He said haughtily, then hopped in his Tesla and drove away. Arielle gasped in anger. Did he really just say that? Oh my goodness. This was their first time seeing each other in three years and within five seconds she already scared him off. Well. He deserved it. Arielle sighed. This was all too complicated for one day. She just needed to go home and get some rest.

     Julian walked into his 3 story mansion and slammed the crystal door shut. His encounter with Arielle did not go the way he expected it to go. Aura said Arielle would be happy to see him. Well, he shouldn't have trusted her anyways. He knew from experience that the Gollden's loved lying. He sighed and slumped down on the warm brown couch.
     He had to find a way to be with Arielle again. He didn't like to admit it, but during the two years they were apart he couldn't stop thinking about her. That was when he went to Aura and the truth was unveiled. He swore that someday he would get Arielle to learn the truth and they could go back to loving each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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