"What? Ally, don't think like that." Lilly scolds.

    "Breath Ally. You did nothing wrong." Ty assures me.  The bell rings making me jump, and I hear the two of them sigh. We all stand gathering our things, but I am far from a calm state.

    "Don't worry Ally. Just get through these two periods, everything will be okay." Lilly tells me with a hug. I can only mutely nod my head knowing I will be freaking out because neither of them have the next class with me. I'll have to wait after to see Ty in music, and to walk there with Lilly. I watch Lill's brown eyes narrow on me as she grabs my shoulders. "Ally, snap out if it or we will be late." I jump at her words before I start to speed walk to class. I feel her follow me, and I just realize Ty had already left us- rude.

I wave to Lilly quick before walking into my classroom, and taking my seat. I sigh looking down to my phone only to see he responded two minutes ago. My eyes widen as I take a deep breath, and open it.

That's good to hear, when can we meet again Angel? I don't like being apart. I want you in my arms again, Angel.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I read his message. My heart seems to beat faster from his words. Damn, what he does to me. My stomach goes crazy, and my heart decides to do a flip. My thumbs dance over the keypad as my brain tries to think of what to say back. "Ally, no phones in class." I hear the teacher snap. I jump locking my phone, and putting it in my sweatshirt pocket. I hear some students snicker making me look down to my desk mumbling a sorry. I guess I was too distracted to hear the bell ring.

    As the teacher starts his lesson my mind drifts elsewhere. The thought of him seeing I read it and didn't respond made my heart race. He could think I am ignoring him, and I can't let him think that. Looking at the clock I see it has only been five minutes. I bite my lip before standing up and walking towards the door. I grab the pass before walking out, and hurrying to the bathroom. I take my phone out quickly typing in my password. I lean against the cold white wall as I try to think of something to reply with. I take a deep breath before my thumbs start typing.

    I don't know... when would you want to meet?

    I send it and see it's been seen before I could lock out of the lock. My eyes widen as he sends another message.

    When do you get out of school?

    My heart does a flip of excitement. A smile forms on my lips as I go to reply. "Wow, is Ally getting some?" I hear a girl ask glancing over my shoulder. "Wait, who-" I lock my phone before snapping my eyes to look up at her.

    "Do I know you?" I ask. She rolls her blue eyes crossing her arms over her chest. Her blonde hair is cut short, above her shoulders. I take her in as she wears a blue tee shirt dress and sandals.

    "Wow, Ally. We worked on a project together at the beginning of the year."

    "You mean the one I did?" She lets out a huff shaking her head.

    "Whatever. So, who are you getting dick from?"

    "What?" She gives me a pointed look. "The person I'm talking to doesn't go to our school." I state. I feel my cheeks heat up, and my stomach goes crazy as the gorillas go wild in there.

   "Oh." Surprise washes over her before she smirks.

   "What school?"

    "None of your business, so if you excuse me." I say annoyed, as I sneak my her. I let out a relived breath as I open my phone back up. I take a deep breath before responding to Abel.


    I'll pick you up. See you then Angel.

    I lock my phone trying to suppress my grin as I enter back into the classroom. Some look up to me before focusing back to the lesson. I take my seat, and look to what the teacher is teaching. Knowing there is no way I can focus on any of this. My mind trails back to him, with those captivating eyes, and melting smile. Well, I'm fucked.
Sorry for the long wait, was focused on getting tickets to see him. Which I did.

Have you guys gone to his concert, or are going to?

Love you all

XO my lovelies

His Angel (completed)Where stories live. Discover now