"you four eyed pile of shit!"

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Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock..knock, knock.

"Hi guys," I say climbing up the treehouse ladder.
"Hey little missy," Chris Chambers says, patting my back.
"It's Addy to ya."
"Oh right, sorry Miss Addy," he smirks.
"Adeline, I got your magazine you wanted at the drug store. It's on your blanket over there," Teddy Duchamp says concentrating on his card game with Chris.

I sit next to Chris and look through my magazine.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock..knock, knock.

"Hi Gordie!" I say to my absolute best friend. I I hug him.
"How are you?"
"Eh, y'know," he sighs. Gordie hasn't been himself since his brother died recently in an accident. He used to be the happiest guy on the earth, but now it's almost the opposite.

"Hey. How do you know if a Frenchmen's been in your backyard?" Chris asks.
"Hey I'm French, okay?" Teddy defends himself.
"You're garbage can's empty and your dog's pregnant," he continues, ignoring Teddy's comment.
Chris and Gordie laugh, I giggle lightly at them.
"Didn't I just say I was French?"

"I knock!" Chris knocks on the little table.
"Shit.." Teddy mumbles with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
"Piss up a rope!" Gordie exclaims with our laughter.

"Gordie's out! Oh Gordie just bite the bag and stepped out the door!" Teddy laughs even more.

"Here Chris lemme play," I say putting my magazine down. He hands me his cards and looks over my shoulder.

Knock knock. "I knock." I look over my cards at Teddy in disbelief.

"You four-eyed pile of shit!" I gasp.
"A pile of shit has a thousand eyes!" He smarts back. I look at Chris and we both start laughing.
"What? What's so funny?" I hand Chris back his cards and look at my magazine again. They continue to play and curse at each other.

Knock, knock, knock.

I lick my finger and turn the page, "That's not the secret knock."
"Uhhh..I forgot the secret knock, lemme in!"
"Vern," we all say at the same time.
"Oh man you guys are not gonna believe this! This is so boss! Oh man, wait'll you hear this. You won't believe it, it's unbelievable. Lemme catch my breath..I ran all the way from my house."

Gordie, Teddy, Chris and I all look at each other and simultaneously start singing, "I ran all the way home, just to say I'm sorry!"

"Come on guys listen to me this is boss, come on! Okay, forget it. I don't have to tell you nothing." He pouts. I look over at him and put my arm around him.

"What is it Verno?"
"Okay great, you guys won't believe this sincerely!"
Chris starts up again, "I ran all the way home-"
"Shut up guys! Be quiet," I say waving my hand in the air. Vern gives me a shy smile.

"Can you guys camp out tonight?" He asks. We all say we could, but Chris said that he'll have to see because his dad is on a "mean-streak" right now since he's an alcoholic.

"So whatta ya pissin' and moanin' about Verno?" Teddy asks. Vern looks around at us then at the floor. I feel bad for the kid, he always gets picked on for being the "bigger" and innocent one of the group. But he's just a good guy.

"Do you guys wanna go see a dead body?"

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