part 3

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i wake up and look over to my clock. i fell asleep at about 7 o'clock last night and its is now 3 am. i got a total of 8 hours of sleep. i sit up and take a look around my room. i remember the spray paint i have in my bag and get up to get it.

once i have my bag i take out all of my cans of paint and turn my light on. i walk over to my dresser and grab my mask to protect me from the fumes. next i go and find a random spot on the wall. i grab my can of red paint then put on my mask once i decide what to paint. i start spraying the design and once im done i take a good look at it. its a tribal flying dragon i chose to paint onto my ceiling above my bed. i think i did a pretty good job. i look over to my clock and see it took about a half an hour to paint it. i decide that i can keep painting until 5 am then get ready.

my eyes widen as i get an idea. i take my mask off and grab a black sharpie. i take my shirt off and start drawing on my stomach. i look in the mirror to see how it looks. i had drawn a tribal flying dragon like the one on my ceiling but this one was sideways and on my side. deciding it looks good i take a picture of it and save it to my phone.

after that i just paint a bunch of random things on my wall until 5 am hits. i get into the shower and wash off the tribal flying dragon design with my axe soap and wash my hair. once i finish i hop out and walk to my closet picking something quickly. i chose a long sleeve black and red plaid buttonup shirt with a red v-neck tee underneath. i grab a pair of my red skinnies and my black and red jordans. i grab my reb black and white miami heats beanie and shove it into my back pocket until my hair dries.

next i go to my younger siblings room and wake them up. i put them both into the tub together and walk to their closet and pick some clothes for them as well. for jacks i pick out a light blue tee and some white jeans and pull out the white a light blue hightops i had gotten him. i then pull out his light blue and white striped beanie. for lila i grab an all white tee and a pair of red skinnies and i grab her red jordan toro bravos and red and black bulls flat brim.

i lay it out on the bed and get them out of the tub and tell them to get dressed. i run down the stairs and make them some breakfast. i out together a plate of eggs and sausage for both of them and set them in the table as they run down he stairs. they finish their food and i run upstairs to tell jake to take them to school. i open his door and just so happen to walk i on his personal time. i close the door and yell "dude jake you gotta take the twins to school" he replies with "yeah okay. next time knock and you wont walk in on me jacking off!" i cringe and say back"whatever" i then walk to my room and grab my board, my phone with my wireless earbuds my backpack and a pen. i take my hat from my back pocket and put it on while running down the stairs.

i kiss the twins on the forehead and leave. i hop onto my boafd and start on my way to school while putting in my wireless earbuds. i turn my music up all the way and check the time while im at it. i have just enough time to stop at the gas station and grab an energy drink. i hurry in and out it once i get there and then continue on my way to school.

once i get there i hop off of my board and walk to the office and silence my music. "what can i help you with?" asks the lady at the front desk. "im new here and i need my schedule" i reply. "name?" "tyler jones"as shes going through trying to find me i open my energy drink and take a sip. "ah yes here you are" i roll up my sleeves to my elbows while she prints it out. "here is your schedule and ill call a student in here to help show you around the school" she smiles and go and sit down. i drink some more of my energy drink and hear the door open. i look up to see erin walk in. the girl i knocked over yesterday. "ayo erin whats up?" i ask. "oh dude youre the new student i have to show around? this isnt gonna be as bad as i thought" "yeah. well you know i am pretty awesome so it shouldnt be" i reply. "yeah yeah lets go" she says and we walk out.

"so what class you have first?" she asks. "uhmm i have math in room 204" "we have that together. lets go" she says and starts running. oh fuck that. i hop onto my bored and start yelling "get out the way!!" i catch up to her pretty fast and pick her up putting her on the back of my board. "tyy to the rescue!!!" i say and she chuckles. she gives me the direction to get to the class and i continue on my board watching the student jumping out of the way so they wont get hit.

once i see the room i tell her to jump off and she does and then i time it so i skid to a stop right as i get to the door and pick up my board. we walk in and i walk all the way to the back and sit in the corner following after her. "okay wait. you shouldnt sit in that corner. the persom that always sits there put the last kid who sat in his seat in the hospital" i chuckle. "i dont care. i can gauruntee that ill be just fine" she shakes her head and takes out her books. i put my feet up on the table and talk to erin as we wait for the class to fill in. we hear the teacher come in and everyone tops talking but me and erin. we hear a loud bang and look to the front of the class. "im just gonna guess youre the knew student...uhm tyler?" he says. "yeah thats me" i say. "look theres no talking in my class but since your knew ill let it slide just this once. now id like you to come up here and introduce yourself" he says. i just groan, get up, and walk to the front of the class. "yo peoples. im new here and im a sophmore. i just moved here from wisonsin. im a skater. i have tattoos and a lip ring. i like churros. ih yeah and im gay. thats all." i say and stand there. "you also like to state some of the obvious" i hear the teacher say. the class starta to laugh. i turn to the teacher and say "you like having a shiny ass face looking like a balloon and shit. better yet you know those guys with bald heads and they heads be all shiny? yeah thats what you face look like right now. you got a horrible taste in shoes walking in here in some crocs looking like a hippie. *does hippie voice* yeah save the trees duude. *goes back to normal voice* ayo those shoes kinda small. whats them like a four? you know what they say about men with little feet. they got little dicks too" he replies with "your feet are small too so that must mean you too have a small cock must be like a tic tac." i laugh. "no wonder why yo mamas breath so fresh" we all start to laugh.. "that was a good one son" he says and pats me on the back. i turn to him. "ayo im a girl" he replies with "sorry for the mixup tyler" "yeah. its cool" i say and walk back to my seat. erin turns to me. "that was nice!" "yeah i know. i told you. im awesome" i say and i see a shadow cast over me. i turn aroumd and see some huge guy standing in front of my desk. "can i help you?" "thats my seat" "well i dont see your name on it" "look. you can get out of my seat or wake up in the hospital like the last guy" i can feel everyones eyes on us. i chuckle and stay sitting. "im not moving. what so ever"

he swings at me while i wasnt paying much attention and he hits me square in the jaw. i can feel my mouth start to bleed. he swings again but this time i catch it. "biggest mistake you ever made bitch" i say and start to crush his fist. he falls to his knees yelling in pain. i let go. and walk to the front. "lets fight here. lots more room" he gets up and walks over to me. he fakes a punch and tries to kick me but i catch his leg and make him fall. he gets back up and i back up to the wall knowing exactally wgat im gonna do. he follows and swings with his left hand. i block with my right arm and swiftly bring his arm behind his back bend his elbow and put my arm ther and slide my hand up and grab his hair. i whisper "guess you have to learn the hard way. dont fuck with me" and i slam his face into the wall so hard i broke the wall and i let him go. ispit the blood out of my mouth and onto his shirt while he pulls himself out of the wall.

"well thats a first" says the teaxger. i just look at him. "okay erin take tyler here to the bathroom and clean up her face. ill get gregg here to the nurse" erin gets up and grabs her stuff and i walk back to grab mine. then we leave and walk to the bathroom. "you were right" she says. "about what?" "what you told me. youre just fine. well compared to him" i chuckle. "yeah" we get to the bathroom and i chyg the rest of my energy drink and end up dropping the empty can in pain. "OWWWWW" erin turns to me. she looks down and sees the can. "stupid. whd you drink that?" i turn to her "because i tastes good!" "look now your mouth hurts even more" "no my mouth never hurt in the first place. i have a very high pain tolerance. there was something added to that drink while i didnt pay attention. AHHHHH SHIT OWWWWWW" she picks up the can and looks at it. i try to analyze what it is by the amount of pain i feel. i see her smell the can. "what the fuck are you smelling it for?" i say. she replies with "im trying to find out what was added. now hush" i try to stay as quite as possible but i feel the oain get worse "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE HELL?!" she turns to me wide eyed. she walks over to me and says only loud enough for me to hear. "youre a vampire?"

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