The Warriors of a Legend

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Recap : Oceanus smiled at his son and walked away, feeling as his son had no more questions. Perseus was left standing there gazing at his father's back. Perseus smiled once more before going in the direction of his room thinking of one thing.

"You must truly believe and trust in what you fight for, if not then why fight for them?"

Perseus leaned against his balcony. He surveyed the city below looking at the people of Ogengard, his father's capital city. As he looked a young servant raced to him looking slightly troubled

Perseus gave the boy a sideways glance, "what's the matter?" Perseus asked. The servant bowed deeply before replying.

"My lord, the king asks for your presence," the servant answered. Perseus looked at the boy before asking, "what is your name?" The servant looked surprised but answered nonetheless, "it is Felix, my lord," Felix answered.

"Well Felix, I would like to ask you to not bow to me and get rid of the titles. I see us as equals," Perseus said with a smile on his face. Shocked Felix simply nodded. Perseus returned the nod. "You can leave," Perseus waited a moment, "Felix."

Felix couldn't stop the grin on his face. He turned to bow. Quickly realizing what he was doing he stopped halfway. His grin growing wider. Felix chuckled as he left the balcony, the prince truly was different.

Perseus' smile turned to a frown as he thought of why his father needed him. He then proceeded to walk out the door to his father's throne room.

 He then proceeded to walk out the door to his father's throne room

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Perseus stood waiting for his father's voice to allow him in.

"Come quickly Perseus, this is quite urgent," his father called from the other side of the door. Perseus the door. He smiled softly at the familiar creak.

The smile soon faded as his father started to speak. Perseus knew this was important but was too focused on the designs of the walls in the throne room.

"-seus!" Oceanus said as Perseus had only caught the last part of his name. Perseus then stood up straighter before looking at his father. Oceanus sighed, everyone had a piece of their childhood stuck with them. Perseus, well, he was a child.

Perseus proceeded to look up at his father looking at him expectantly. Oceanus gathered his words and proceeded to talk while studying Perseus.

"You will lead the Phalanx to Ocama, at the edge of the Mediterranean, to find and defeat the sea monster Cetus." Oceanus commanded grimly. Perseus looked surprised that his father would send him instead of Ophion, but he wasn't going to ruin his chance to finally prove to his father that he and his team were more than capable.

"Father, I would be honored to challenge Cetus" Perseus replied hiding his small grin. Oceanus nodded in response. "Remember to take the Phalanx," Oceanus reminded. Perseus nodded then proceeded to walk out the door.

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