Chapter Four

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I rubbed my eyes as my alarm clock blared, signaling it was finally time for me to wake up. Sighing, I threw my covers to the side and made my way to get ready.

Talia was already up, reading a magazine at the kitchen table. I settled for a plain fitted white crop top, with basic black leggings and combat boots. I tied my hair into a neat bun, and swiped my signature lipstick onto my lips. I added a light pink blush to complete my new look, and greeted Talia.

"G'morning," I chirped, filling up a cup of pineapple juice.

She politely smiled at me before going back to reading her magazine. I brought the cup to my lips as Alex groggily walked into the kitchen, wearing a muscle tee along with pajama pants.

"Is that what you're wearing to class?" I asked in disbelief.

"Is that what you're wearing to class? No one cares what you're dressing like. People honestly don't give one shit," Alex scoffed as he pushed past me to ransack the fridge.

I pursed my lips and I briskly turned around to place my cup in the dishwasher. The old Maddie would have cried at Alex's harsh tone, but the new and improved Maddie didn't care what people thought of her.

"Whatever," I said as I slipped on my faded denim jacket.

I slung my purse, equipped with my Mac, a couple of notebooks, and the girl essentials, on my right shoulder before heading towards the door.

"Talia," I called. "You're not going to class?"

"Oh, I have my first class at 12:00! Don't worry about me!" She replied.

I shrugged before opening the door and heading out of the apartment building. I decided to stop by the grocery store to buy a quick water bottle, and waited in line impatiently.

If you're going food shopping, can you please refrain from buying 100 things? Chances are that the producers of Pretty Little Liars would cast another A suspect before you can even check out your fifth item.

I finally got to the cash register, and paid for my water. I left the store quickly, and power walked towards the campus. My first class, Chemistry, started at 10:30, and it was currently 10:15.

I finally made it towards the gate when they asked me to show my I.D. I flashed it before I was allowed access onto the campus. I saw about a hundred people milling around, making their way towards their morning classes.

"Excuse me?" I asked, tapping a quite tall, older looking girl. "Do you know where Professor Rowan's class is located?"

The girl turned to look at me. She had close cropped jet black hair along with dark brown eyes.

She was dressed like the typical bad girl. I was bad, but sweet-as-sugar-hard-as-ice-hurt-me-once-I'll-kill-you-twice bad. She was just plain bad.

She breathed out a cloud of smoke that dissolved into the air, making me want to cough, but I held it in.

"Yeah," she easily replied. "You just go through the Main Building and it's the building behind it. Not that hard to miss."

I pursed my lips and nodded, not particularly fond of her attitude.

"Thanks," I said. "I'm Maddie."


I nodded slightly before offering a small smile that she didn't return. I pretended not be fazed before I followed her directions and walked towards the main building.

I got a few cat calls along the way, which did nothing but boost my pride. I wanted this. It made me feel better about myself. I pushed through the metal doors of the building, the cold air welcoming me.

I had to walk up a flight of stairs, maneuvering my way through a thick mass of bodies. I finally got to Professor Rowan's classroom. It was a classic college class, rows upon rows going downwards with a set of stairs on either side of the room. Then at the bottom was the teacher's board and whatever he was teaching.

I settled on the middle row, not wanting to look like a loser by sitting in the front. I didn't want to go to the back either, because I actually liked getting my education.

I set up my laptop on the desk in front of me, ready to start the class. About a few minutes before class officially started, people started piling in. I ended up sitting next to a small, quirky African-American girl by the name of Tori and a red head by the name of Amanda.

Professor Rowan stepped into the classroom and my jaw nearly dropped. He was hot! He looked as if he was in his late twenties or early thirties. He had dark brown hair along with deep blue eyes that made every girl in the classroom swoon.

"Damn," Amanda breathed under her breath.

"I'd tap that," I heard someone in the back whispered.

I smiled lightly to myself.

Today was off to a good start.

Wow, I haven't updated this story in a while. Sorry! Anyway, obviously the winner of the character contest is @MaddieHylandLove! I adored Codie! Follow her!

Thoughts on Codie? Maddie? Talia? Alex?

50 votes and 20 comments for more!

Love you all!

- Alana

bad girl // sequel to bwc (discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum