Chapter 1 - First Day

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I was going back. Even after all the trouble I had caused my parents, I was going back to Houston, Texas.

I can't say I was excited. When you leave a town, you start adapting to a a whole new different life. The life you lived in before ceased to exist. However, I can't say I wasn't exhilarated to see my friends again either.

"Do you have everything you need, Robyn?" mom asked while she was driving.

"Yes, mom," I replied.

"Binder? pencil? composition books?"

I laughed. "Mom i'm going to be fine. It's just school."

Mom sighed. "I know, but if I'm leaving you to stay with Danielle after school, I'd want you to be prepared."

"And I am," I said assuringly while placing a hand on her shoulder from the backseat. "Really, mom, it's fine. Work as many hours as you need at the hospital."

Mom smiled at me through the rear view mirror and took one hand off the wheel to caress my hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

Finally, we were at the school and I unclipped my seatbelt before leaning over from behind the driver's seat to kiss my mom.

"Bye, mom" I said.

"Bye, honey!"

I grabbed my backpack and walked myself out the car. As I was readjusting my backpack on my shoulders, mom rolled down her window.

"Call me if you need anything," she informed. "Anything at all."

I smiled at her and rolled my eyes. "Yes mom. But I'll be fine."

"Just letting you know. Bye Robyn!"

I waved her goodbye as she drove out from the parking lot.

The school hadn't changed at all. Although it does seem to have gained a little dirt, the smell was still here. And just like before, people hung out with their friends and were separated into groups at the front yard.

I started walking up to the school, ignoring the few people who were staring at me curiously. I swear I heard some guy whisper, "Oo new bitch in town," but I let it slide.

I pushed open the doors, and became overwhelmed by the empty halls. It was a typical morning hallway because everyone always hung out outside until the bell rings, but just the simple thought of being alone was somewhat strange.

I began finding my way to the office which did take a minute since I haven't been here in a while. But once I did, there was a lady filing papers behind the counter. I slowly and awkwardly walked up to the desk, hoping she'd turn around and notice me. But she didn't.

I waited a few seconds before clearing my throat and saying, "Uh.. Excuse me?"

The lady stopped what she was doing and turned her head towards me.

"Oh," she said, a bit surprised. "Um.. what do you need dear?"

"I'm Robyn," I introduced myself. "I'm new here?"

"Oh! Well that makes sense," the lady said while rushing up to her computer on the counter.

I looked at her confusingly. "Excuse me?"

"Well, it's 10 minutes before the bell," she replied. "And I just found it a bit strange for someone to be inside here this early."

I nodded understandly.

"Well I'm Mrs. Hartman, the school's vice principal." She typed in something on her keyboard and looked up at me. "Last name?"

"Daveigh," I replied. "D-A-V-E-I-G-H"

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