Chapter 1.

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It was during one of those dumb pep things when I first saw him. He was the only person in the school with such brightly colored hair. It was messy though, as if he didn't even try to make himself look nice. It was a purple mess on top of his head. Of course it instantly took my attention away from the cheerleaders in the gym doing some kinda dance thingy. I never cared for the things the school did like these pep things or the sports activities. I usually found my own way to get out of participating in stuff like that.

I looked up at the boy, he was surrounded by a bunch of brain-dead popular kids. Then of course the girls were around them too. Pretty stereotypical. He was snickering with the rest of his friends, probably about the cheerleaders. I was able to pull my eyes away from him and down to the notebook that sat in my lap. I opened it to a clean page and began to sketch. The sketch eventually turned into a complete drawing. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was really good and I was happy with the way it came out. I finished adding some small details to it but didn't bother to add any color. By then, the event was over and we were walking back to our lockers. I was putting my books away when a group of kids walked up to me. That one boy with the purple hair was with them. One looked over my shoulder at my notebook.

"That your diary?" He teased.

"I think it is." Another said, taking the notebook.

They all crowded around him and I reached for the notebook but he pushed me back.

"Let me have just a little peak." He said, opening the notebook. "Oh your an artist huh? What are you into guys too?"

He practically pushed the notebook into my arms and walked away laughing. The boy with purple was laughing until he saw my face, something made him stop but he continued to walk away. I turned around and closed the locker. I walked into the lunchroom and grabbed a tray. The other kids kept cutting in front of me, it bothered me, but there was nothing I could do. The wouldn't listen to me anyways. They'd just laugh.

I got the lunch and then sat down alone at the end of the table I usually sit at. I put the tray over my notebook and picked up an apple. Then the purple haired boy walked up to me.

"Hey, uh is anyone sitting here?" He asked.

I looked around and saw his friends laughing and snickering at another table.

"Why don't you just sit with your friends?" I said with no emotion as I usually talk.

"Well you looked kinda lonely." He said.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Can I uh see your drawings?" He said.

"I don't care." I said, placing the notebook in front of him and taking a bite out of the apple.

He opened it and looked through the pages, his eyes lit up.

"These are great!" He said.

"You're the first to think that." I said.

"Oh I'm Josh by the way." He added.

I thought a minute before answering. If I told him my name we'd eventually become friends and that's something I didn't want to do.

"Tyler." I said, forgetting about what might become of us. "Look I know you're just doing this to play some kinda joke on me alright so just go with your friends or get this over with."

"Tyler this isn't a joke."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not."

"This is what people like you do. They pick on the less popular kids because they find it hilarious but I'm not going to deal with this one."

Before he could say anything, I stood up and walked away.

Hey... It's MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora