chapter 1: let's begin

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"Along time ago there lived a princess with the best body and the best hair and the best skin. that princess was just perfect in every way. and as a princess she, one day, will role a perfect country fitting a princess like her.

everything was just perfect...till...her country got attacked while she was reading peacefully when BOOM the next thing she know everything was gone she had nothing. she ran and called out to her family but... it was too late to say goodbye...there was no one left. she cried out of despair but by that time it was too late to save anyone all she could do was run...and never look back but she could not move from shock when one of her loyal servants catch hold of her hand and guided her to a carriage that started her adventure through the unknown"

"again! again!"

"come on now little one you need to go home to your mother or she will get mad"

" Okay miss.maria see you tomorrow"

you wave goodbye and go back to your work. you start humming when you hear a knock and someone at your door talking

"are you sure this is the house?"

"yes, I saw her go in this house a thousand times"

" but it doesn't mean it's her's. would it kill you to ask someone if it is?"

"one she might have changed her name you know that. two we would look speciose if I asked around."

"your right"

"a woman is always right"

then you hear the second knock you opened the door to see whats going on but you did not expect what happened next .
To be continued.

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