Of Fox Thieves and Magicians

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The Day that Devon Redtail was born, he was the third child of the best known thief in the land of Trievilion, he was also the smallest. While he was the apple of his father's eye, he was also his father's greatest failure, at least in opinion of others. Devon for all his faults was a orange red fox with bright green eyes, and yet unlike his rough and tumble brother, Kylelin and his sister, Scarlet, he was hardly even notable. 

Their father, Devillion was the head of the Thieves' Guild in the City of Dellion and was also seemed to sport its share of very well...normal kind of thieves, minus a few who just seemed to be there for thrills. There were a few foxes, raccoons, a rather old wolf, and a few other critters of nameless groups of species that just seem to stumble in and out of the guild at leisure or to take jobs.

Devon upon his fifth birthday had to go to this place as a possible trainee, but he hardly even showed much promise considering he couldn't even hold a dagger, his brother had to snatch it away. His brother on the other hand, Kylelin showed the most promise, but he was also very protective of his brother. "Do the sun a favor, don't you dare give that to him," his brother would yell, he held up his hand holding a dagger up to one of the other foxes who blinked. 

"Come on, that little one has to learn to hold one eventually, he's a thief isn't he?" a gray fox called Max laughed and rubbed Devon's head in a paw. "That kid will have more to...oh hey there, Silver, back from your mission so soon?"

A rather large raccoon with bright eyes walked up, she was hardly what anyone would call thief material, but yet she was well known for it. Kneeling down to look at the fox child, she smiled. "Oh, I don't see a thief there in that boy," she patted his head and laughed. "You all are going to be blessed with a great magician thief and that's a plus."

"No son of mine is learning that sissy craft," Devon's father stomped up and picked up the fox. "Don't be tellin' us that, Silver, you know foxes can't learn magic!" 

Silver winked and laughed, "Wait till you know him better, Devie, you know that."


Silver was right, that was for sure, Devon was hardly what anyone would call a great thief, he was able to steal a few small things, but none of it impressed anyone. His brother had stolen a few things over the few times passed his birthday, and his sister did the same.

"Maybe, Silver is right," the old wolf in the corner sighed as he finished training Kylelin in the art of deception. "You can't expect perfection in all three, no matter if they are litter mates or not, being a thief isn't Devon's talent." 

Devillion wouldn't hear of it, he threw his paws into the air and yelled over the hall about how he did not accept it, his son was normal, his son was not a sissy magician as he referred to them. That only caused one of the thieves to raise a paw and said, "Well...a Magician Thief is real, you know that right? The last founder of this Guild was a Magician and a damn good one, so sir, you maybe a Guild Master, but you are not Calvin Ringling-Bar and that's just that." 

Honestly whoever spoke up did well to hide themselves as a flask went flying from the main table. It was clear that Devillion had his own opinions on magicians and though he did not have a fondness it did not escape him that maybe Devon was not cut out for the career of a thief. He walked into his office and stared at his own wife. "What have I done wrong in raising that boy?" he paced, he saw his wife's expression, she did not seem to really care. "Why am I cursed with such a son?"

"I wouldn't view this as a curse, Devi," she sighed and sat down, "Remember, my father was once a Magician Thief and though you won this Guild over, there are those who await a new Magician Thief to rise. Maybe Devon is a gift in disguise, we just have to figure him out."

"I have no idea what we can do, and that Silver Ringtail is out on her own little mission, she is a magician isn't she?" he sighed crossing his arms and letting his eyes narrow. "What if we just hand our son to a Magician to be trained."

The vixen just smiled and laughed. "Well..of course or we could just let him study in my father's library, its still in the Guild House and we can still access it, remember?"

The large fox sighed and laughed a little. "You know, if Devon got this from your father, than its his final curse on me." 

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