Then sightings

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Hey guys!

First of all I hope you love this fanfic as much as I know you like Liam. The second thing is all of the ideas I use wont all be mine, and I would've took them from other fanfics I've read. Enjoy! ;-)

Macy x


I was lining up to get out of the concert hall. I had just seen One Direction and let me tell you this: they were amazing! Liam looked so cute on stage and they sounded even better live! I had been waiting for this for ages and now it had ended? I was pretty sad that it had though. I had brought a tour top when I first got here and it looked amazing! I stood there lined up when I really needed a toilet. I looked back at the queue and there wasn't many people behind me. I decided to go before I went I saw the sign that said toilets. I looked up to see which way the arrow pointed and started to walk in that direction.  I had walked pretty far and I couldn't see anyone anymore. I looked up to see which way now and I walked into someone! I dropped all my bags on the floor and fell backwards! Why did I have to be so clumsy? A voice said "I'm so sorry" and I saw hands picking up my bags. I looked up to see who the hands belonged to. Louis Tomlinson! He gave me his hand and pulled me up. I heard a scream coming from a door and looked over Louis shoulder to see what it was.

"Don't worry its just... Harry" he said

"Oh... ok" I smiled

"I have to get back" He handed me my bags

"Ok thank you" He smiled as he walked back through the door. I heard the scream again, and there was no way it was Harry! The scream was way too deep to be him. Whats going on? I wondered. I slipped just outside the door to see the biggest shock of my life! One Direction were stood over a body it was layed on the table and covered in blood. They all had blood round their mouths! I staggered back into the wall and Liam looked around and saw me! His eyes filled with worry as he stepped towards me. He kept his distance noticing the fear in my eyes.

"I am so sorry" He said looking down at me

"For what?" I asked

"For this"

He nuzzled his head in my neck and kissed it slowly. The next thing I know two tinny dagger pierced my neck! All I remember is falling to the floor as the five guys I knew as One Direction leant over me.

"What do we do now" One said

"I could eat" another said

"No! Not again" Said the one standing closest to me. I recognised his voice straight away. Liam Payne.

Well, that's one thing you dont see everyday (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now