When I Was Little

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     I never knew my parents. At the age of 5, I was taken from this place- a camp that I remember vaguely. My name is Skyler, Skyler storm.


"Mommie!" Giggles were heard through the castle. Little girl giggles. The bedroom door was swung open to reveal a woman with long, dark brown hair pulled into a messy braid over her left shoulder. Atop her head was a shimmering silver crown. The woman had piercing blue eyes. She wore robes of black silk that if looked at right, reflected space. Miles and miles of shifting patters of little glowing stars. You could get lost just by looking at it.

"Shush now dear, it's alright. Everything will be ok. Remember, you are my child."

"Ok mummie."


That was the last memory I had of her. Right before I was sent away.

They tried to put me in camp. A special camp, for kids just like me! Young things with parents like mine! I was more then excited, but then.. I arrived.

Placing me in the right house or cabin was hard. I had two godly parents. They decided on Artemis, my mum. She was the first to claim me as hers. So it only makes sense. 

The kids were mean. Chiron talked to me, but the rest ran away. At the time I didn't understand. Everywhere I was, people would run away. If I was taken into a room everyone tensed. No one came to visit me.

Being 4 and already needing to be at camp to control my powers apparently scared people. 

So, when I reached the age of five, my grandpa decided I didn't belong here- on earth or at camp.

So small, so fragile. I was a wee thing- scared and confused. My mother had to watch me go- the little one she had actually raised. She knew it wouldn't last.

Grandpa Zeus took me away and to a forest. I was placed near a sandy place that met clear water. (Zeus said it was a beach when I asked) he told me to stay here. Where I should not be found by anyone in their right mind.

I stayed there for 3 days. I stayed next to the water- feeling drawn to it. Every time I touched it I would feel power surge through me. I used it to keep me alive.

Around mid afternoon of the third day, I saw a ship coming in from the horizon. It was huge, and followed by many other ships. At least 7 or 8 of them. They headed toward me.

At first I panicked a bit.

"Grandpa told me to stay where no one would find me. I think I've been found."

In attempt to get away, I escaped to near by bushes. As I crawled into them the thorns dug into my skin. I felt each puncture- drawing blood that dripped from the wounds. It was so painful I let a yelp escape my lips. I couldn't move. They would find me if I left the bushes, yet the longer I stayed the more wounds would be made.

I stayed frozen and trapped inside the thorn bush. I had so many cuts now- dripping crimson through my clothes and all over my skin. The throbbing became dull when I heard the footsteps.

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