"Happy hippo, I've got to go now, love you with all my motherliness!" She said to me, and rushed off to grab her coat. "Bye bunny bun! Love you" She shouted before closing the door behind her. The she-devil is gone! Yay, all she ever does is earn money, but no she can't and will never love me.

She had given me a lovely breakfast, not a pea like some of the cheerleaders had for their breakfasts.How did I know what they had you ask? Well it wasn't that hard to guess. Since they are cheerleaders, they are all the same. Fake, evil, blonde, mean girls. In fact, it wasn't that hard to guess for anyone.

If you are a jock, you're all brawn no brain.

Nerds are all brain.

Neeks are irritating.

Badman people are dodgy and like to sag their trousers down to there ankles.

Normal is the majority of the population.

The elites are a mixture of the fit boys and beautiful girls but this is only zero-point-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-zero-one of the population.

Then there is me the ugly one. I have should be in the guiness world book of records because I'm so ugly.

Once I had finished my breakfast of fifty rashes of bacon, twenty very oily omlettes, fifteen sausages, a piece of lettuce and ten cups of fanta without gaining any wait or feeling full, I put my plate in the because even though my mum had left for work, my plate would still be washed by the little elves that came whilst we were all out.

I ran out the door even though I always arrived at school on time even when I left the house at twelve because school always started two seconds I entered my form room.

I saw my crappy car sitting there in the driveway. It was a red Ferrari 458 Italia. I hopped in and drove the fifteen minute drive to school.

I pulled up into the parking lit and already people were pointing and whispering at me.

I bet they were laughing at my crappy car and fashion sense.

Tears welled up in my eyes. They were all so mean. I slammed my door and ran past all of the mean people.

I ran to my locker and magically produced a locker a key and timetable because all humans can do that.

I pulled out my books because like my key and timetable, they had magically appeared.

A girl came up to me. She was wearing a hula skirt, tube top, sandals and a large lei around her neck.

"Hola" she said whilst playing the flute.

"Me llamo Sarah what is yours?" she asked.

"You non-english speaking monster" I exclaimed! She suddenly took off and ran into the wardrobe which had magically appeared.

Another girl approached me and said. "Gurl! Where you buy yo weave from coz it's so perf like oh em gee hashtag ratcheeeeet hashtag perf." She was really pretty; I hope I look like her one day.

Suddenly I had an idea.

"I'm new here! Oh my gosh yay! We can be like besties!" then we started squealing and jumping up and down.

All of a sudden the hallway went silent. A pathway was in the making and once it was made I died. I knew I died because I saw the fittest boy I had ever seen.

"Who's he?" I whispered to my new best friend that I didn’t know the name of.

"Abskjdkaowkla" was all she said.

"Zxvankqplbskakal" I said back.

I must have died again because it was at that moment that behind the fittest guy I had ever seen, I saw the fittest guy I had ever seen.

"Who owns the Ferrari 458 Italia? " he asked.

All the girls started screaming and ran away as a tiger that had escaped from the zoo chased them.

"Me" was my reply.

"Nice ride"

"I like give like you like many like thanks. OMG Like what like is your like name? Hashtag you're fittest guy I've ever seen." I said

"Thanks. And the name is..."


Wanna know what happens nextm stay with me people XD and in case you haven't noticed  this is not a serious book it is a parody/spoof of bad boy books on Wattpad lol XD

until next update,

~Nae nae xx

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