John reached the door of the meeting room. He peaked around to see how many were in the meeting room. Three. A teenage boy standing at the head of the large wooden table facing the other two. Another man slightly older and a bit shorter on side of the first. A girl standing at the window possibly watching the traffic down below. John couldn't see her face, but he knew the two guys were in the folder. He slowly retracted from the door.

Two from the list, John mouthed to Jed. Jed nodded and motioned his head to say, "Go ahead."

John turned his head to door preparing himself. An inhale. An exhale.

He swung around into the meeting room.

The three Rogues all glanced up. The girl at the window showed signs of shock. The two guys walked slowly around either side of the table.

"John?" asked the younger one.

"John, where have you been? We've been looking for you?" asked the older guy.

Yeah, I know, John thought. He watched the girl at the window tear up a bit.

John teleported to the younger boy and gave a good punch to him. He kneed him in the gut. When he doubled over, John hit his head onto the table, knocking him unconscious. The older one teleported behind John shouting at him.

"John! What are you doing? Stop!" He tried to grab John's arms.

John fought against him. He grabbed the Rogue's arms and stuck one behind his back. The Rogue shouted in pain as his shoulder tensed. John slammed him onto the table. The Rogue's face against the table looking at John scared.

John behind him for the girl. She no longer at the window. As he kept his tight grip on the Rogue, he turned around looking for her. She was by the other trying to wake him. Nothing. Out cold.

He picked the Rogue up. Both arms in John's hands and placed him into choke hold. The Rogue struggled. John tightened his grip at both the man's hands and neck. The Rogue became limp, and John dropped him. He watched the sleeping Rogue lay useless. He turned to the girl. She teleported close to the door.

"John. Why?"

Jed stepped out from the hallway with his gun pointed at her. She turned to run and saw she was cornered.

Jed moved closer to her with the gun. "John, she's just trying to stall. Come over here and grab the gun so I can get what I need."

John made his way over to the door stepping over the unconscious.

"What did you do, Jedikiah?"

"Ah, ah, ah, Ms. Coburn. You need to be quiet," Jed replied quickly.

John reached the scene and grabbed the gun. "Watch her closely, John. She has a tendency to make a scene. Keep her quiet." 

John pointed down toward her chest. Jed advanced to his well-damaged office. John turned to the Rogue with a blank expression.

"John," she whispered softly, "I don't know what Jedikiah said to you to make you switch sides on us, but I need to know--"

"Look, your on the list. You are a Rogue. And you need to keep your mouth shut. I don't understand why Jed wants you. You and the other two must be something 'cause he wants you. I don't know you, so I don't know why you are talking to me. Keep quiet or I'll make you be." John turned his head to check on Jed.

She stared at John amazed at his response. She let out a quiet sigh of frustration.

"Hey, John," Jed's head popped from the closet. The glass separating the meeting room from the office was extremely dirty. "Walk Cara over here so I can ask a few questions."

John grabbed her by her arm. The gun press against her back between her shoulder blades. He half-dragged her to the door of the office. She stopped before entering. "Go," John demanded. She stayed staring at him. He shoved her into in office with a bit of force.

"Alrighty," Jed said cheerfully. "Cara, I need you to tell me where you and the others," he gestured to the unconscious Rogues on the floor of the meeting room, "put the small box that was on the top shelf of this closet."

"When you all left, the entire place was empty," Cara spoke calmly. "Most of the offices were untouched. This office, however, after the explosion, was fairly damaged and the files in the cabinet in the closet were gone. Everything you see in this building was what was left. We didn't hide anything or take anything. We were looking for something to help John, but--"

John's head shot up to look at Cara. Jed interrupted, "John is fine and has been. His well-being is none of your business."

John wasn't sure what secret communication between Jed and the Rogue meant. He adjusted his stance with the gun still on her back. He kept quiet.

"Jedikiah, what is it that you are looking for?" she said taking a step forward. John followed immediately cocking the gun.

"Woah, John, not quite yet," Jed had stood up with his hands pushing the air in front of him, saying to ease. "Tension in the room is growing." He walked up to Cara and crossed his arms. "I'm looking for a file that was in the closet. The small box I mentioned earlier. Where is it? I know you have taken it. You and the others have been here for a few weeks and must have found a few things that peaked your interest."

Cara gave a small glare. "Why don't you ask John?"

"Because Ms. Coburn, John has been with me recovering from his time away. He clearly did not take the file." He turned to the closet to check if the file magically appeared since the last he checked. "John, it's time we go. Take care Cara."

Jed began walking to the door of the meeting room to the hallway. John understood it to be the signal to follow. He kept the gun pointed at Cara as he walked. He turned to exited.

"Johnathan Young!" Cara shouted and John turned around. "You listen to me. Look what you have done. You act as if we haven't spent six years together hiding from the very man who just made you hold me hostage. I don't know why you don't care about Russell and Stephen. What have you done with the others? Did you hurt the others? John, what have you and Jedikiah done?"

John turned to leave annoyed. Cara teleported to him. Jed was in the hallway waiting impatiently.

Cara put her hand on John's shoulder. He felt the pressure of her hand and flinched. Cara quickly took her hand from him. John heard one of the Rogues rustling awake on the ground behind the table.

John walked out to the hallway pocketing the gun inside his jacket against his back. "Time to go."

Jed replied, "The front of the building. Teleport."

John put his hand on Jed's shoulder, and he felt the pull of teleportation. They made it to the front of the building before he could blink. They left the Rogues' leaders bruised and confused. The best way for an enemy to be. The familiar car was parked in the drive through of the old Ultra building.

Then, he felt it. He felt as if he chest was being crushed.

He turned to the great glass wall of  the building. He looked to the car and passing traffic. John breaths came quickly. In and out. Too fast. He couldn't breathe clearly. Was he even getting any air? "John. We are leaving. Let's go." Jed declared.

He looked to Jed but didn't see him. John saw everything but the car and Jed. "John! Come on. Get in the car. We must leave now!" The outside was becoming darker and darker. The fall felt like hundreds of feet, but he didn't feel the landing.

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