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The gush of cool air blew on John's face sending goosebumps through his body. He heard the click of the closing door. Jed let out a breath. It was quiet in the long, dark hallway leading to the unknown. When the air conditioning unit cut off, John's ears rang with silence. Jed took a step causing his footstep to echo on. John turned to Jed and barely made out his face. Jed jerked his head to signal John to advance.

John looked into the dimly lit hallway, straining his eyes in an attempt to actually see in the dark. He thought about why he was here again: to help Jed get what he needed. Even though John had no idea what they were going to retrieve.

He took a cautious first step. He continued on moving at a faster pace. Jed followed a few paces behind him. They walked and walked for a few minutes. They passed a few doors. Before they reached one, John turned back to check if that was their door. They had reached the end of the hallway. A door marked "Stairs" in three different languages. There was a narrow vertical window was placed above the handle. John glanced into the window to see a well-lit staircase. He put his hand on the handle. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a click from behind him.

Jed had a Ultra-issued fire arm. The gun was at his side.

"I thought this was a sneak-in-unseen-and-sneak-out-with-what-we-need kind of thing," John asked with concern.

"This is just if something goes completely wrong," Jed said, trying to assure John.

"What?" John asked sarcastically. "Am I not good enough for you?" He chuckled.

"I believe in you, but you never know with these Rogues."

"Yeah, okay," John responded quickly.

John swung the door open quickly and without sound. He stepped in the stairwell looking up ward. He then glanced back up to Jed, brows confused.

Jed replied with four fingers in the air.

Fourth floor, thought John.

John continued occasionally looking up to the upper floors to see if there were Rogues coming. He watched the sign for floor two enter and exit his line of vision. He could hear Jed's footsteps a flight below himself. John slowed a bit to prepare himself for floor four and for Jed to catch up. He stood on the stair flight landing and waited against the wall beside floor four's door.

Jed was close behind John and met at the wall. "They'll be at the front of the building next to the main stairwell," he paused. "And my old office. What we need is in the small closet inside the office. From what we know, their main floor is this one. All residential floors are three, five, and six. This is our only chance to get to it." His gun made a click as he pointed toward the door ready to invade. He raised his gun.

John grew uneasy. He cleared his throat and ducked under the glass window of the door. The handle let out a small screech. The hinges fought against the door frame. Noise but not enough to catch the attention of the rowdy group just beyond the short hallway.

"Go!" Jed whispered with a bit of volume.

John advanced down the hallway and paused a brief moment before entering the loud common room. He glanced inside and saw complete strangers. No one from the folder. The room was almost overfilled with Rogues.He motioned for Jed to stay in the room as he stepped into the room.

He realized the Rogues were so caught up in their own conversations, he slipped along the wall past the few groups near the door. Jed approached the door frame. Jed placed the gun inside of his jacket and followed close to John.

They took the next hallway to the right which led to the office. They would go through the meeting room to the large office. John heard voices other than those of the common. They were coming from further down the hallway towards the meeting room. He slowed his pace quieting his footsteps.

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