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James looks down at the book in his hands.

"You can come back in an hour, he should be done with his medicine by then."

James looks at the man on the cover of the book. A young man, with beautiful blue eyes. He looks familiar.

"When I was your age," Chris said looking at his three grandchildren. One thirty, one twenty-six, and the last one twenty. "I was engaged to be married to one of the most grateful men I had ever met."

"You mean Grandpa?"

Chris looked taken aback for a second. He hesitated for a second and then opened his mouth, "Yeah, you could say that."

James, so lost in thought, didn't realize his phone was ringing. He takes it out of his pocket and scans it. Steven. A small smile appears on his rosy lips.

"Hey, how're ya man?"
"I'm great, you?"
"Pretty good, uh, hey do you want to ya know hang out later?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Cool, how about I meet you at the coffee shop downtown."
"Sounds good."
"Cool, I'll see ya at seven?"
"You got it."

James smiles as he hangs up his phone. "Guess I have a date," he whispers to himself.

"James," Chris says looking at his grandson. "Where'd you go?"

James looks at his grandfather, "I was in the waiting room. They said you had to take your medicine."

Chris nods and looks back at the ceiling, "Can you continue please?"

"Yeah," James says sitting down next to his grandfather.

"Chapter One

I wake up to someone shaking me.

'Dracul,' my mother says. 'You need to get ready.'

I sigh.

'Why do I have to go? They can't help me. I'm blind and there's nothing they can do abou-'

My mother slammed something down which makes Jax howl.

'Dracul Lepeir! What have I told you about putting yourself down like that?'

I wince at her using my full name. My mother never gave me a middle name, but it still scares me when she says my first and last name.

'Mamă, I didn't mean to.'
'Just sit up so I can get you dressed.'

I sit up and take my shirt off. She hands me a new shirt and I put it on. Then she hands me a pair of pants. I slip them over my boxers. Finally, she hands me a pair of socks and shoes. I put those on and soon enough a brush is being pulled through my hair.

If only I knew what it looks like right now.


My mom helped me into the office. She guided me to the desk.

'Dracul Lepeir.'
'Okaaaaay, Mister Lepier you are in. Please go take a seat.'

Mom guides me to a seat and gets me situated, 'I'll come get you when it's your turn.'

I nod, repositioning my sunglasses on my nose. I hear her shoes click away. She works here and is one of three nurses who work with the blind department. Well, actually, she works more with getting the patients to their rooms while the other nurses do all the other stuff. I know I'm at the end of the row of chairs because there isn't a another seat to my left, but I know there's a seat empty next to me. There always is.

There's a small clicking shoe noise coming towards me. But I just sat down. I usually wait a couple minutes before my mom comes back.

'Is this seat taken?'"

James turns to his grandfather who had let out a laugh at the last line. Chris is smiling like a new groom.

"Haven't you read this before," James asks looking at the book.

"Yes," Chris says, "and it gets me every time. Keep reading."

"Okay," James takes in a breath.


Chris starts coughing. His breathing starting to decrease.

"Mr. Evans," a nurse says walking in, "I think your grandfather is having a rough time. Do you think we should call it a day?"

I nod, "Yeah. Uh, Pop-Pop, I'll see you tomorrow or later. Love you."

"Lov-" Chris couldn't finish his sentence.

"So," Steven asks looking at James from across the table, "how is he?"

James looks at Steven, "He was having a good morning, but you know..."

Steven looks into his coffee, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. How's your grandfather?"

"Same old, same old. A little broken up about Pops, but nothing tragic."
"How's his eyes?"
"It's gone. He's moving in with me because mom doesn't want him with her."
"I'm sorry."
"Nah, I love when he's around. He's awesome, for an old guy anyways."

The two laugh and look at each other. They've been close since they were ten. They haven't exactly made themselves official. James feels Steven's hand interlock with his.

"So, uh, where do you wanna go," Steven asks looking at his lap.

"My place," James says as he feels himself harden slightly.

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