Wind's Messenger

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Dedicate to @AshleyP


There are some things you need to know about me. First thing is my name, Zephyr Raiden. Second I'm a girl. Don't let my name or my face fool you. Lastly I am the Messenger of the Wind.


"I said bow down to me!"

That's what I heard as a foot slammed down on my head. I had just stopped in some little town to buy supplies when I was stopped. Some men accused me of sleeping with their wives and when I told them I only liked guys, I was arrested. I never looked for trouble but somehow it always found me.

"I only bow down to one thing and it is NOT you," I said as I spit blood in the direction of the man who the foot belonged to.

"Well, then little boy please do tell me what you bow down to so I can kill it." He sneered at me. The guy was the town's money holder. Almost everyone in town was in huge debt but this guy was wearing gold silk underwear.

"I didn't know someone could kill God and please but your pants back on." Instead of putting his pants back on he kicked me in the stomach.

"Oh, religious are you? I like that in a boy."

And then it hit me, this guy was a perv and or totally gay. On top of that I hadn't had a bath in forever so I looked like a total dude. I had even told the men in town I liked guys.

"Look, I really don't want to hurt you but you should know I'm a girl and if you touch me I will make sure you regret it." Again, his response was to kick me in the face.

I was really getting annoyed now. I WAS a girl and I got tired of people saying otherwise. Sure it doesn't help my cause when I bind my chest or cut my hair short but all they do is get in the way. Dresses were out of the question, skirts as well, they were impossible to fight in.

"A girl, do I look stupid to you?"

"Very." I responded. The next second I was unable to breathe because of a kick to the chest. "You really treat travelers well in this town, don't you?" I rasped.

The man lifted me up by the hair as he said, "Only the pretty ones." The pervert then took the liberty of taking my first kiss.

Saying I snapped was an understatement. I greeted his kiss with a head but to the face, splitting his lip.

"How dare you hit ME?!" The pervert yelled. He was holding his split lip in disbelief, as if he had never been denied anything in his life.

"How dare I? How dare YOU! That was my first kiss you pervert!" I was seeing red and I could feel the air pressure in the room rising. If I didn't calm down soon there would be no room left. I was reaching the point, however, when I couldn't care less if the house still stood when I was done.

"You little brat! You need to learn your place! When someone as rich as me buys you, you listen to them!"

Now the air pressure in the room completely dropped. I had been sold? "You bought me?" I asked dumb founded.

"Yes, you're my property so you better listen to what I say." The wind in the room started to pick up. "What's going on?!" He shouted, "There's not supposed to be wind in a house!"

"Let me tell you a story you pervert. Long ago we humans got careless. We played with chemicals like there was no tomorrow, just to see what would happen. Our actions though, almost made sure no tomorrow ever came. In 2032 a huge chemical explosion nocked the world almost completely back to the stone ages. When we began to rebuild civilization we realized the outcome of the explosion. Elements began to have personalities and take human forms. They lashed out against the humans angry at them for ruining the planet. However, a few chosen people were picked to act as go betweens for the Elementals and humans. They were called Messengers."

"Everyone knows that story you idiot!" He was really beginning to freak out now. A mini tornado began to form around me and the furniture in the room was flying about. I smiled when a chair hit the perv in the head, knocking him down.

"Well, you know what? The Messengers were given special powers to get the Elementals point across," I was laughing now, enjoying the perv's screams, "They were also given permission to use those powers in self-defense. And guess what you just bought, you pervert. You just bought a Messenger of the Wind." With that I blew the house apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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