I LOVE this cover ❤️ I love how you described the cover too and I totally get what you're saying! This cover is complex and amazing. Everything works with the title and just great work!



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I would first like to say that I love the story that you gave it! I really like all of these covers

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I would first like to say that I love the story that you gave it! I really like all of these covers. My favorite is the second one. I love the heart at the end of the title. These are all really good. But the subtitle is a little small and the girl leaning on his shoulder looks a little awkward, but it works.


I actually really love this cover

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I actually really love this cover. Sodapop's name in that font is so cool and the background with the actual sodapop and bottle caps looks so awesome! I love how he's placed on the car too. The only issues I have with this is how blurry he looks and the bars under our names. Other than that I really love this cover ❤️


First one: I love this one

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First one: I love this one. It brings the asecthic of jughead and that's so perfect ❤️ I also love the fonts that you used. Good job 😊
Second: I like this one but I feel as there's too much going on. I get what you were doing and I really like it, it's just busy. But I love the main PNG of Juggie that you used ❤️


Ah!! I love this so much ❤️ I love the title you gave it and the background and PNG you used

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Ah!! I love this so much ❤️ I love the title you gave it and the background and PNG you used. It's all well blended. Great job.


I absolutely love this show ❤️ And these covers are really cool

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I absolutely love this show ❤️ And these covers are really cool. My favorite is the first one, I just like the filter a bit than the second one. I really don't have anything bad to say about these. Good job.


I've never seen the Vampire Diares but I know the basics of it and plus I love Nina Dobrev ❤️ First one: is okay, I like the PNG that you used but the background I feel doesn't really go with the show premise

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I've never seen the Vampire Diares but I know the basics of it and plus I love Nina Dobrev ❤️
First one: is okay, I like the PNG that you used but the background I feel doesn't really go with the show premise.
Second one: I love this one. The background works perfectly with the PNG and she looks so mysterious yet beautiful in that picture. I love the font in this one too. Good job.


Sorry I didn't get a chance to crop it

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Sorry I didn't get a chance to crop it. I like the title of this a lot and the picture of Dean that you used is so cute ❤️ the only I really have with this is that my name is hard to see cause it blends in with that light. But I really like the filter. Good job!

UGHHHH YOU GUYS MADE SO MANY GOOD COVERS, IT'S GETTING HARDER AND HARDER TO PICK SOMEONE TO ELIMINATE!! BUT SOMEONE HAS TO GO....I'm so sorry, heights2008 I really do love your covers and you're one of my best friends, but like I said someone gots to go. Hope to see you in the next battle ❤️❤️

The winners this round are JenSimmers and exposured great job guys!

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