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The maths teacher was still talking to the girls about the event then suddenly a boy interrupted and said "this is not fair your taking only girls and 0 boys"? Then the rest of the boys started saying "yes this is injustice" then all the boys sided with each other and another girl said "boys can you shut up? I don't see why you boys should attend. When you guys attend football tournaments do we go? Do we complain? Do we fight about it? No! Which means your all jealous. Love for your brother and sister what you love for your  self. Every body heart was touched by this talk of hers. Class back to lesson. The girls just couldn't wait for Thursday. It was finally Thursday and every girls from primary 6,5 and the 10 from 4 were all ready for the practice. Qur'an was the first period on Thursdays and it is a double period. The class were having the Qur'an when the maths teacher came in. Excuse me Mr zakariyya but I came to take all the girls of the class for an event. The Qur'an teacher said ALL!? Yes all. Oh I see. You cab go girls. Suddenly the boys started shouting "leave our class and don't come back selfish and stupid girls" never come back. The girls all said at the same time silence is the best answer for a fool and walked away. They reached the bus then the maths teacher said stop! And then he started counting them one, two, three, four, five, six, seven up to 40 plus the 10 primary 4 making 50. You may enter the bus. On their way a girl said tell us where were having the athletics? Then he said I will tell you when we get there. Then another girl said but can we sing? The maths teacher said  yes you can sing. They also went along with their P H E teacher then she said but no Indian songs or else I will twist your ear. Ooooo I hate that said another girl.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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