"Come on Mike. You don't have to make us look like monsters. We treat our guests just fine. If they decide to play with our two adorable children, who are we to stop them? It would be unkind of us." He said innocently.

"Yes I am sure. And if Nicky here found herself having a slumber party with the twins, it would be entirely her fault right?"

"Hey it is not our fault we have adorable children that no one can say no to."

"That is true" Nicky admitted. "If they asked me to stay I am not sure I would be strong enough to say no to them. Those eyes of theirs are quiet irresistible.""Yea they get those from our side of the family" Derek said and pointed at him and Mike. "When we were little they had helped us get out of pretty wild situations without severe spanking and grounding." He added and smirked.

"As you can see I am in big trouble." Jane said as she came back to the living room bringing with her the soda for Nicky and a glass of whisky to Mike. "Everyone does whatever they ask them to and then I am supposed to be the bad guy with all the rules."

"It must be hard for you too to ground them. I mean they are so cute that even when they did something naughty today all I wanted to say was ah how cute." Nicky asked her.

"Well I grew up with those two, so the look that makes all of you trip over your shoes doesn't work for me. I have seen it so many millions of times that I am immune by now."

"Well that is good. There must be someone to make some rules for them, or they will be spoiled rotten." Nicky said.

"They are already spoiled rotten but still I try to solve whatever I can." Jane huffed exasperated with the whole situation."

"So our parents will be coming back from vacation in a couple of days and they'll be able to watch the kids for us, how about we go to the movies and then for drinks on Saturday night. It has been too long since we last did something like that." Derek proposed and Nicky immediately looked on Mike's direction. She considered it quite rude of Derek to make such suggestions knowing that Mike would not be able to go with them and that would lead to him feeling left out. So she was pretty surprise to hear him speak first.

"Hey that is a great idea, there are many amazing movies in the theatres these past weeks, so I am sure we will be able to find something we all like. Nicky what time do you get off work on Saturday?" he said enthusiastically.

Nicky was looking at him like he was crazy, and didn't know what to think of the situation. The whole evening was like a roller coaster. One minute high on her way to heaven and the next, feeling herself dropping to the ground with maximum velocity. She had no idea what they were expecting her to say and she started fidgeting with the hem of her dress. Derek understood the reason for her uneasiness and tried to help her without making her feel more uncomfortable than she already was.

"Come on Nicky please tell us you will be able to make it. If you don't come we will suffer, not only from his grumpiness, but from describing him everything that is on the screen. You are our new best friend, so it will be your duty. Please come." He stood up from the couch and dropped on his knees in front of her.

"Way to go on making her feel like we are taking advantage of her once again douche bag. And making a spectacle of yourself. Please stand up. Kneeling in front of her is not going to convince her." Jane said clearly irritated by her husband's antics.

"It worked when I wanted to convince you to marry me." He replied with a smirk and at the same time Mike stood up and approached Derek till he stomped over him. Without so much as an apology, he also kneeled and both brothers started pleading Nicky.

"Please, please come with us. It won't be the same without you." They both said in a chorus and Nicky looked at them with her mouth hanging open.

"You better accept Nicky. When they get in groveling mode, they don't stop until you give in." Jane huffed.

"I get off at four. But I am not sure I will be up to it later on. Saturdays are always more difficult because more people come to the cafe."

"Do you want me to speak to your boss? Maybe he should make less hour shifts during the weekends, or have more waitresses. He shouldn't make you work twice as hard during those days of the week." Nicky nearly panicked at the suggestion.

"NO PLEASE don't say anything to him. He will think that I am trying to skip work and that will make me look bad, especially since I am new there and have already asked him to work overtime. Something like that would probably cost my job. I'll come just tell me where to meet you."

"Hey you don't have to come just so I won't speak to your boss. If you are tired, we can reschedule. It is no big deal." Mike said, not wanting to push her away by pushing too much. Nicky saw the disappointment in his face and she felt like she had just killed a little puppy.

"No don't worry. I'm sure I will be fine. If we don't go on an early show, I am sure I will have more than enough time to rest before we get to go." She said and cupped his face with her hand. Mike snuggled on her hand and when she started removing it, he quickly placed a kiss on it.

"Of course we can arrange that. We will find a time and a movie that can satisfy us all." Mike said satisfied and got up from the floor. But instead of going to sit in his previous place he sat next to Nicky. And since the sofa was not very large they had to snuggle. He asked for his glass of whisky and sipped it with a satisfied sigh that had more to do with their arrangement on the sofa than the taste of his drink. Nicky stiffened in the beginning but since she couldn't go sit somewhere else without raising the suspicions, she sat there and listened to the rest of them making plans for Saturday night. Gradually she relaxed and drunk her drink as well.

After an hour or so Nicky got up, thanked everyone and admitted that she had to leave because she was working early the next day.

"You will have to excuse me. Your company is just great but I do have to leave. I get up really early tomorrow."

"Just give me a second to grab my keys to give you a lift." Derek said and got up as well.

"No, no you don't have to do that. I will take a bus. I saw a bus station near here and the bus that goes near my place passes through here, so it won't be a problem at all." She said and Jane brought her, her coat.

Mike took her to the door and gave her a kiss in her cheek goodbye. As soon as he returned to the living room and sat to his previous place to the sofa, Derek said.

"So are you going to tell us what you two were doing upstairs when I came up to get you?"

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I really hope you liked it!!!!

Kisses to you all!!!!


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