Chapter 2

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I cussed when I got it with water by the sink.

"Stupid fucking sink. Can't stay fucking good."

"You know, you could just call the repairman, dear." I heard Evelyn say. I looked at her and saw dressed up.

"Where you going?" I asked getting up and wiping my hands.

"Out. I must get a turkey, right?" She asked. I chuckled,

"I'm coming with ya. Knowing you, you could slip and hurt yourself." She laughed softly and agreed,

"Better get your coat."


I heard Evelyn scolding a young boy about stealing candy. It was one of those 25 cent tootsie rolls. I giggled when he got afraid about Evelyn "calling" the cops.
The boy left and Evelyn shared a look with me.

"Look, Eve. I ain't never stole a goddamn thing in my life." She nodded and hummed like she didn't believe me. I looked offended,

"It's true!" She smiled and looked at the turkeys.
I smiled and thought about which flavor of gummy bears I wanted when the door slammed open and yelling started. I got to Evelyn and held behind an aisle. She held onto my arm as we kept quiet.
They were yelling about nor getting what they wanted in America and shot the cashier. Evelyn yelped and I cursed silently. I saw them coming around the aisle and yelled,

"Get up!" We did and Evelyn held onto my hand. I felt tears welling in my eyes as they raised their guns.

"Tell my boys that I'm proud of them." Were the last words Evelyn Mercer spoke. I screamed when I heard the loud bang. I turned and saw Evelyn bleeding out by the gun wound from her head. I covered my mouth as those tears made their way to the floor.
I felt hands wrapped around my throat before feeling a gun to my head.

"Even though you're sexy as hell, we hafta kill you." The guy said. I shut my eyes and waited but it never came.

"Shit, come on, dude. We have to go." The other guy said as we heard sirens.

"Til next time." I heard before feeling the but of the gun against my head.

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