Yuu x Nurse male reader (fluff)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how much my heart can take." I groaned.

"Get a hold of yourself (m/n)." My best friend, (f/n) uttered.

"But he's always teasing me." I said.

"Then give up on him. You know relationships are forebidden." (F/n) said. "Besides, if he likes you then your home free with him when he's discharged from the hospital."

"L-l-like?!?! Your mistaken (F/n). There is no way we l-l-like each other." I said.

"I already know you feelings towards him (m/n) and so do you." (F/n) said.

I nodded.

"Now you need go confess tomorrow. It is you day off. He won't be a patient after he leaves, and if he declines then he's missing out on all this good stuff." She/he said.

"Your a good friend you know that?" I asked.

"Well of course I am. Now get your ass in high gear and start working. We haven't got all day." (F/n) said chuckling.

"Alright." I said.

I looked down at my clipboared and flipped through the pages. I was to help Dr. Zan with an surgical needs and attened to Yuu when needed.

Before I could go I was stopped by Ms. Ayumi and Ms. Nao.

"(L/n). We were wondering if you could attened our party tomorrow." Nao asked.

"Sure. What time?" I asked.

"At 4:00. Here is the adress." Ms. Ayumi said handing me a sheet.

Before I could ask them what type of party it was they had left.

"Well I have to get started on work." I said to myself before rushing off to Dr. Zan.

---Time Skip To Mid-afternoon---

I knocked on the door to Yuu's room.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I opened the door and closed it behind me.

"Ready for your last dinner here?" I asked.

"Will you feed me again?" Yuu asked.

"I don't see why not." I said.

I walked over to Yuu and sat on his bed.

"Today we have rice and fish with a side dish of peas." I said. "And for desert we have pound cake."

"Sounds delicious." He said.

I took out the chopsticks and first gave him some rice. I them gave him a bit of fish.

After a while of feeding, he was almost finished his dinner. All that was left was the pound cake. I was going to him feed him it, but Yuu stopped me and grabbing my waiste.

"I want have a peice of you for desert." Yuu said in a sexy manner.

I couldn't help but get hot. Yuu had held me closer and tighter. It was like he'd never let go.

'Such a small gap between us.' I thought.

Yuu then sealed that gap by locking our lips. I was so shocked that I had accidentally dropped the tray. Just as I was about to kiss back the door suddenly flew open. I came back to my senses and pushed Yuu down by force. I then quickly bent down and picked up the tray, paper plates, and plastic silverware that was on the floor.

"Are you ok?" A fellow nurse asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I was a bit clumsy and the tray had just slipped right out of my hands." I explained.

Various Male x Uke! Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now