poem for Small ish

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My arms are short,
My legs are short,
I'm treated like a child,
Because of my size isn't that wild,
People don't respect me,
Now that sure stings like a bee,
No one understands,
They all just keep their distance.

Maybe someone needs to tell them,
That I'm a one of a kind gem,
Maybe then they'll understand,
That truly they should keep their distance,
Because yes I'm small,
But I'm like a life sized doll,
You could trip and fall.

I'm not a fan of the "petite" word,
Since when did being short come off as a compliment,
I miss when people hated being short,
It made it easier hate everyone,
Now everyone wants to be short,
Some people just belittle themselves,
Others have really small personalities,
But the original little people,
Are those physically small but have large personalities,
That's the first and original generation if little people,
Others are photocopies went wrong.

What went wrong with the societies view if short people?
Why has society fallen heads over heels for small people,
That's because society only influences us,
Because we are the society,
And when we say we like short people,
The norms of society changes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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