'What are you doing?,' he asks angry.

I don't answer him, but just continue folding his cloths neat and putting it in his suitcase. He puts his shoes and the rest that he needs next to the suitcase and let's me do my thing while he answer his phone which is going nonstop.

'I told you, Marcus! I was patrolling when you called. I am packing my suitcase now. I won't make it for dinner...'

I walk towards the walk-in to choose a few dresses and some normal cloths and bring it to the suitcase. I put my cloths in he same suitcase since there is enough place.

'What? She won't eat untill I am there? Does she think I own a private jet? Just tell her I will be there as soon as possible!'

I look at the clock... 16:23 pm. If I am right dinner is served around 19:00 pm. We might make it.
He hangs up and goes to take a shower. In the mean while I take the white dress Jamie chose out of the walk-in and place it on the bed. He walks out fully dressed and I can feel him look at me as I look at the dress.

I walk in with the dress without looking at him and go into the bathroom. I take a quick shower, put on the dress and some make-up. My hair is short so I don't have to do much. My hair is like Hailey Berry's short hair. A little bit of gel and I am all good.
I walk out to see Luke sitting on the bed texting someone. I stand still and look at his body, his hair, his eyes, his lips. He is all I want and ever will want. I am sure of it. His scent makes me go wild, but nothing is right. He is angry because I told him the truth. What did he want me to do? Lie?

'If you're finished you may go downstairs,' he says without looking at me.

I nod and make my way towards the door. I miss holding his hand. I miss his smile. We've only slept next to each other for one day, but I missed him last night. I missed his warmth and his arms around me. I miss his breath in my neck and his soft snore. I miss watching him sleep.

I walk down the stairs and Nala smiles at me.

'You look beautiful,' she says to me.

'Thank you. You are the first to tell me that,' I tell her.

She knows what I mean and sighs deep. The Beta, Theo, walks towards us with a smile and I smile back at him.

'There pack is save with us. Go meet the queen,' he says with a smile.

'Wish me luck.'

I look up the stairs to see Luke still on his phone and I sigh. He walks down the stairs carrying the suitcase.

'You know what to do,' he tells his Beta before walking towards his Hummer outside.

'Just some advice and don't tell him I told you. He is playing Jewel crush,' Theo says with a grin.

I can't help but chuckle and Nala walks me to the car. She opens the door at the passengers seat for me and closes once I sit. She smiles at me before walking away.

The drive is quiet and awkward. He doesn't say anything. His focus is just on the road and nothing else. I can't really place what is going on with him. He can't be that pissed about the hole Arthur thing right? Is he that jealous?

I look outside the window and sigh. I don't want to go there. If I go there I am closer to my father and I hate that.

'When you get there. Don't talk too much and don't say stupid stuff,' he says annoyed and then he stops talking again. I try to sleep a little since there is nothing else to do and the tense situation in the car is annoying me completely. I am not about to cry.

Finally my eyes get heavy and when I close them the black of nothingness consumes me.


I wake up when the car stops driving. As I open my eyes I find myself infront of the big white packhouse where I was put to be killed. But then he saved me.

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