The Ducks Realization

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The swans made the sourest of trails even though they held the most beauty in their pristine feathers and long elegant necks. A single duck flew into a lighthouse which a swan has inhabited, the duck was ugly and plain in comparison to the graceful swan. The duck quickly grew angry and envious of the swan since it had been cursed with brown feathers and a blue/green throat, it lashed out at the swan even though unbeknownst to the duck it's colours made it more beautiful. The duck had injured the swans wings then chased it off of the lighthouse. Once the duck knew the swan had died it realized it could hear the crickets from their place beside the pond even though the duck was on the lighthouse.

Suddenly a dove whizzed into the lighthouse followed swiftly by an angry seagull which grazed the ducks feathers. The duck was shocked and as the dove hid behind it the duck went to approach the seagull which had decided to land so it didn't wasn't an more of its energy. The seagull fluffed its feathers and squawked at the at the duck threateningly, the seagulls eyes where sharp and gave it a dangerous look. The duck realized with an inaudible snort that the seagull looked like a greedy human, outstretching it's paw in expectancy that whatever it wanted would appear there without it having to do anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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