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With a quick flick of his fingers bow man removed his hood to revil long black hair falling just above his shoulders and a headband tied behind his bangs. His dark green eyes studied the 4 girls, under each eye he had long deep red painted triangles pointing down towards the ground. "Garaa, you did not say your sister was here at the school, much less that we would be meeting her. Greetings MaLadies, my name is Kiba Inuzuka." He said bowing low. "W....whait Prince Kinda of the Inuzuka clan of Konohagakure?" Hinata asked in her slandered shy and shakey voice. "Yes, the one and the only. Garaa hear saved me along with the help of Na....." "No." Kiba was cut off by the third hooded man. Everyone turned to him, the four girls looked surprised that he would just easily cut off a princes speech. Without saying anything else he got up from the wall and pushed his way past the girls twords the Exit. On his way past Sakura was able to see that his sword looked finally crafted and the end of the handle there rested a Blood red gyem with a slight swerll look to it.

Aperintly she was not the only one who seen it because Temari turned to Garaa and asked. "That sword, that was Minato Namikazes correct?" Her voice layed with confusion. "Yes, Sir Namikaze died about 4 months ago." Garza said looking dad. Tamari placed a hand over her mouth as some tears fell down form her eyes. Garza slowly patted her shoulder way i way i for her to gain control. "How is he? How did he take the news?" She finally asked making the other three girls look over at her with confusion. "You can ask him yourself whenever Tamari." Garza said as he two made his way to the doors. "What do you mean?" She asked following after her brother as Kiba and the girls followed behind. "Who do you think the sword of his clan be given to upon Minatos death?" He said with a slight smile.

----few seconds latter----

Garaa and the gang slowly made there way through the castle until they heard voices yelling out. "You will let me through to speak to your leaders." A deep angry voice rang out. As they turned the corner Sakura noticed the last hooded figure standing outside the main doors that led to the Throne room. "Sir, I do not have to do anything besides keep you out of a place you are not welcomed." One of the guards said his voice full of anger as he griped his spear with weight knuckles ready to use it. "You must have a death wich talking to me with that tohoodedman said as he reached into his cloke and pulled out a pendant and showed it to the guard. With that the guard dropped his spear and knelled down in fort of him. "I am so sorry sir, I did not know. Please forgive me. I will introduce you." He stood back up and opened the door. "My queen, I am sorry for the intrusion, but we have a vary important guest here requiring to speak with each of you." He said bowing as he looked back up to see the confused looked on everyone's face but Queen Tsunades face. "Who would be so important that you have to intrude?" She asked looking angry. "He is a member of the Jinjuriki, my lady." With a collective gasp form the group Tsunades stood up and said "Well you could have started that before hand." She said dear ripping though her voice. "Send him in already." With that the guard stood back and let the hooded man though. "Thank you for letting me in Tsunade." He said softly, his voice sounded fermilar to her. "How dare you! You may be a jinjuriki, but you still must show respect to royalty!" One of them said and before anything else happened the man finaly removed his hood.

Sakura and the rest had just entered the hall form a side door as he removed his hood, giving everyone the first time look at his face. His Golden Yellow hair was pointed and messy, upon his cheeks where three scars that looked like whiskers to Sakura. His deep blue eyes stared right up to Tsunade without blinking. "Na....Naruto?" Her voice said softly but just loud enough for everyone to hear. With a nod of his head Tsunade did not wait any longer and ran down and employed him in her arms in a bone crushing hug, surprising everyone but Garaa and Tamari.

Thank you guys for reading. Just to clear everything up for you guys Jobs is 1/3 of the clans that rule over Konohagakure, and in this story the Jinjuriki are a group of the finest warriors that do not have ties to one kingdom and are like the Bounty Hunters of the land. Each one goes through a hard time to join in and depending on how the did they are resented as a animal, and as you know if Naruto and the 9 tailed Fox, I went ahead and kept him as that.

Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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