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"Sarah," "SARAH!!" My best friend Zoe yells,trying to get me to pay her some attention.
"Hey sorry, you know I always have my music loud," I say as I take one headphone out and lower the music. I know its bad to listen to music that loud but it helps block out the noise of the world and allows me to focus on one thing at a time.
As I look over at Zoe she has a huge smile on her face and is holding an unopened envelope.
"What's in the envelope?" I asked, which I kinda wish I hadn't because that made Zoe  worse.
"Its from the college I applied to!!!" Zoe squealed.
"Shhhhhh!" The librarian says as Zoe finally takes her seat next to me on the couch in the corner of the library (Every since freshman year this is where we meet in the Mornings before school starts.)
I could tell she was excited to finally hear back from ABU, (Advanced beauty university which is actually the best beauty school in our state and very hard to get in might I add.)
"Well,aren't you going to open it?" I asked, a little confused on why she was still just holding the envelope.
Looking down at the letter the smile fades off Zoe's face and she just sits there, not moving ,just staring at the Letter as if it was a forien object to her.
"Zoe,hello earth to best friend?" I said while waving my hand in front of her.
"Oh sorry, I guess I'm just a little nervous on whats inside to open it," she says coming back from la la land. She then hands me the envelope.
"What ....what are you doing?"I asked more surprised than anything.
"I want you to open it, I mean I'm to nervous to, plus I can tell by your reaction if its good or not."she says with a half smile. I take a deep breath and pray a quick prayer, as I take the letter and open it. I start reading, ...

Dear Miss Zoe T. Roland,
     On behalf of  the committee at ABU, I would like to thank you for your application to our school. As you are aware there a very few spots that are open at this time. We are here to inform you that this college along with many others will be hard to accomplish, but with the skills and mindset that you have, I do believe you are a great fit for it. With that being said I am honored to say that you have been accepted to the best beauty school there is! Congratulations Zoe and I hope to be in contact with you soon.
Samuel E.
Head administration

"Omg!!!omg omg omg!!"I say,
"What what is it," Zoe asks while she snatchs the paper out of my hand, as she's reading the letter I can see the tears forming in her eyes, I knew she was beyond happy.
" I can't believe I got in omg !!!! This is amazing, Sarah I GOT IN !!!YYYAAAYYYYYY!!!!" she basically jumps on me screaming this .
BRring BRring! The bell for first period rings, so we grab our stuff and head to class.
"I'll meet you by your locker after third ok?"Zoe yells as she runs to her class,which is farther down the hall than mine .
"Yeah sure !" I yell back at her as I see her wave bye before entering her class with a permanent smile plastered on her face.
As I take my seat in my History class the bell rings again noting that class should begin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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