Chapter 5

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Ah, yes!! Chapter five. Feel free to ask me questions!!  uwu
Oh, and please spread this about for everybody to read, I'm trying my best to update.  Oh , and also, use headphones for the music! It's calming.

You ate some of the cookies left from Before. You thought about what oni did a few hours ago, also thinking about drawing something. You were in a good mood. It was almost sunset, yes, almost night. But it inspired you. You weren't sleepy anyways. You sketched a few human figures and head shots, when you heard a tap at your window. You looked up for a moment to take a glance at the window, not paying any mind to it.

Then you heard it again.

This time it got your attention. You put your  pencil down and slowly stood up, swallowing cautiously as you inched towards your window. The tapping stopped a minute ago, but it didn't hurt to be safe. You stood in front of it, then, slowly unlocking it.

Being the big wimp you were, you scrambled to hide by your desk. The window slowly opened, making you worry a little more, cause god damn, that ain't normal- then, you heard footsteps on the floor, and the window slamming shut.

Who ever was in your room, knew who you were. " Knock knock, uh, sorry for coming in through your window.", You froze, yo, wait, is that..? " Dreadful ediquitte , I know.", Tenga-onigawara  bent his head by the desk, you sighed. On the bright side, he used the word ediquitte right. You stood up whilst he stood in front of you.
For a little bit, you two staring into each other's eyes curiously.

...why didn't you just make me let you in from the front door?

He sweat and bit and shook his hands," H-Hey, i-i figured you were busy so uh, i- I just don't know.", You chuckled, cheeks turning red from held in laughter. He rubbed the back of his head, glancing behind him.  " So..what were you doing?", You looked at your sketchbook, he got the answer. " Wow, can draw, and cook? What a ca- personality you got there.", you raised a brow at his stutter, and  you opened your door out into the dark hallway, peering out. A chill went up your spine just looking down it. He came up behind you," what's the matter?", you squealed from fear, standing on one foot. You pointed a finger out into the Hallway,
" ah, I see. Hold on.", He went out there, and flipped on the light switch at the end of it.

" There you go. Heh, I'm the best~" he made a pose, making you snicker slightly. He sure was sure something around you, even though he's a god damn asshole around others. You bowed to tell him your thanks, walking towards him, then passed him. He was about to say something, but he stopped because you passed him. Making a really wierd noise, he followed you, you were leading him to the closet. There in try closet was an extra sleeping mat, pillows, and blankets. He stared for a while, then had an idea." Oh, you want me to sleep over, eh? You fine with that?", You nod quickly, he was right.

He decides to help by grabbing the mat, and you grabbing the pillow and comfortable blanket. You two marched right back to your room, and he set the mat next to yours. " Aight, this ain't so bad. Looks just my size, and it's just the tight texture.. I don't mind though, heh.", You shrugged at him and clicked off your lamp, time for bed. You got all nice and cuddled up in your mat, he did also, and you fell asleep almost instantly. Looks like you were actually pretty tired.

You woke up in the middle of the night with a small but tight pressure on your body. It was warm, and wouldn't let go. I wonder who it was. You moved your head slowly to see, was oni, half off his mat, cuddling you to his chest protectively. You were too tired to react, so you just smiled, and fell asleep against his chest.

You woke up again when you felt oni's embrace leave you, unfortunately. You fidgeted slightly as you moved, slowly trying to sit up. You felt safe now. And you knew it. A tired smile, was shown on your face, as you stood, and folded you both's blankets neatly. Turning, you saw a duffel bag by the door. Must have been oni's, you thought. Creaking noises swear heard in the living room, then you remembered. Today's school, and luckily, it was still pretty early. You went to the bathroom and got the things  necassary for the morning to progress. You brushed your hair, brushed your teeth, and got a new mask over your face for the day at school. Then you went to get dressed.

I Kinda Like Your Food. ( Onigawara x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now