Camping Trip

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Cait's POV:

A long time ago my parents and were killed in a house fire and i had to be the one to take over being the adult in the family. So we were all getting a little antsy in the house with nothing to do so we decided to go camping. Chelsey said she was going to be the responsible one and do everything but all she does is complain and make me do all the work. I drive, I cook, I start the fires, I get everything ready, I put the kids to sleep, I set up the tents, of course not in that order, but you get what I mean. This camping trip includes my older sister Chelsey, little brother Jay short for Jayson, and two little twin sisters Lilly and Cristina. Chelsey has long brown hair and green eyes around 5'7" 19 years old, Jay has black hair with a tint of blue hue and blue eyes and is around 5'4" age 13, Lilly and Cristina have dark blond hair and green eyes 6 years old and both 4'3" Cristina always says she is taller. I have blond/white hair with somehow a black streak that is all natural and blue eyes I am 19 and 5'10". We've been here for about a day and a half when we meet another bunch of campers. Its was a family with a very cute guy, he was with two of his sisters and a younger brother. We decided to join each other. 'For safety you know.' My older sister, Chelsey, started to flirt with Ky (short for Kyto). Just cause she 'called dibs.' She was also trying to show off to Ky, but failed horribly. He always seemed to be constantly trying to talk to me instead. When my sister was showing off she accidentally threw the matches, in the lake so now we are freezing cold. Thanks Chelsey. Luckily Ky had extras at his camp. While we were starting the fire I accidentally burnt my arm along with my bracelet ruining it, it was a cheep piece of cloth with some sequins. The next day he comes up to me, and I make a complete fool of myself.

"Hey Cait." Yelled Ky from behind.

"Hello..." I started to say, but ended up slipping in the mud as I spun around a bit startled. As Ky helped me up he kept a hold of my wrist when I went to pull away. He laced a beautiful new bracelet around my small wrist. The bracelet had small ruby gems and a stainless steel wire.

"This one wont burn off."

"I love it. Thank you Ky."

"The girls felt bad that your bracelet got ruined so we made you this."

"Thank you and the girls."

That day we spent hours "collecting wood" when really we took a walk to get away from everyone and relax we where the ones doing everything. We where talking so much we lost track of time and ended up spending hours. We found out so much about each other it was amazing, but getting back to camp was hell. My sister saw us and immediately pulled me away to "talk" to me. She was furious.

"What the hell I told you he was mine!" She screamed.

"You cant claim someone he's not an object." I said to her trying to keep my cool.

"I called dibs!"

"That doesn't make it any better."

"Shut up! What do you even know about anything anyways!"

"I know you can't claim someone if he'll never be yours." I said without thinking, but it got worse when she looked down at my fumbling fingers and saw the bracelet.

" WHERE DID YOU GET THIS! DID HE GIVE THIS TO YOU!" She said violently grabbing my wrist.

"Him and the girls made it who cares!" I said trying to stop her from taking it off, but it didn't work and it slipped off as fast as it was put on.

"I do now say goodbye to it." She said chucking it out into the woods. I watched where it landed so when she left I could go find it. I had to find it I don't know if it was because I liked the little trinket or the person who gave it to me, but I didn't want to loose it.

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