Chipmunk OC

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Marienette hears a knock at the door. She opens the door and sees Manon an a new little girl. "Who's this little girl Manon Marienette asks". "This is my friend." Manon said. Her mom's away for the day an you have to babysit me so now you have to babysit  both of us." "So how old are you an  whats your name? My name is Grace an I am 7 years old." "Want to play with dall's Marienette asks?" "Sure I am" Manon said. Right when we're setting up we hear another knock. You two keep setting up I'll get the door. Marienette opens the door. "Is Grace here?" "Yes, why?" "She's my sister." I'm sorry I'm late my mom was wanting me to come with Grace so I can also keep an eye on her. After we play with dall' Manon leavs early. So wanna get ready for bed" Marienette asks sure I said"I got ready for bed we played a little card game before bed Hina went to bed before me I brought my tablet an headphones is that ok?" Yes Grace it is ok I'm glad you brought them I turnd on music on an started to whisper an sing below me one kiss. I fell asleep fast. Hina woke up before me. I woke up after her an I shall her on her on her laptop with her headphones in starting to be on wattpad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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