Chapter 1

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* This is my first story so bare with me *
Y/N= your name
Y/N/N= your nick name
Y/F/C= your favourite colour
H/C= hair colour
That should be it for now but I'll probably add more during the story XD


"Y/N, get down here..... breakfast is ready!" Yelled your best friend Jackson...*he is gay*... "coming!" You yell back. You rushed out of bed and went down the stairs of the apartment you shared with Jackson. "GURL... I made pancakes." He said excitedly "They smell good." You say as you grab two and put them on a plate. "What do you want to do today Jackie?" You ask. "Okay so, you know how you are like in love with that weird band called like 'My Chemical Addiction' or something?" He says with a smirk starting to grow on his face. "My Chemical Romance... yeah" you say confused. "WELL BITCH, I GOT IS TICKETS TO GO SEE THEM PLAY A SMALL SHOW TONIGHT AT THAT HOTEL JUST DOWN THE ROAD!" Yelled Jackson. "AAAHHH... THANK YOU!" You yelled back. You jumped onto him giving him a big hug... almost knocking him over. "You better go start getting ready. The show is in an hour, and I know how long it takes you to get ready." He laughed. Without saying a word you ran up the stairs as fast as you could.

You pulled out a bunch of clothes onto your bed, frantically trying to find something to wear. You ended up putting on your favourite mcr shirt, black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and your vans. You ran into the bathroom and straightened your Y/H/C hair and putting it up into a high ponytail. You put on you makeup and rushed out into the kitchen to see Jackson ready to go with his 'not a morning person' shirt on. " you ready?" He asks. "HELLLL YEAHH" you yelled and jumped into the car.

.....time skip .....

You arrive at the hotel, half dying because you are about to see your favourite band My Chemical Romance live... not to mention the massive crush you had on Gerard. As soon as you get inside you run straight to the place where the stage was, bumping into numerous people on the way *Gerard Way XD*. Jackson struggles to keep up with you. "Y/N we have like 10 minutes until they start playing." He says. "I'm not moving.... I have a good spot"you half yell at him. "Okay, but I'm going to get some drinks... text me if you need anything." He says while walking away to the bar.

..... time skip .....

The lights begin to die out and the room goes silent. ' Teenagers' starts playing and you see the band walk out onto the small stage. Everyone in the audience is going crazy..... they play a few more songs... this has been the best night of your life so far... the band stops playing for a bit and Gerard starts talking to the audience. " how you guys doing tonight?" Say Gerard into the microphone. A mixture of screaming and 'goods' came from the audience. "Hope you guys are enjoying the show... we have a few more songs we want to play for you tonight." Says Gerard, and the crowd goes wild.. they start playing 'Welcome to the black parade' and the audience starts to jump around.. so do you, until you get hit in the head by some guys arm and fall to the floor...the crowd pushes away to give you some space... Gerard stops the show and everything goes dark and before you know it your are asleep.

You wake up on a couch on a couch in an unfamiliar room. "She's awake." You hear someone say... funny, his voice sounded familiar... but you couldn't quite remember who's voice it was. You begin to sit up and almost pass out again when you realise who's voice it actually was....

Haha sorry for leaving it at a cliff hanger like that.. Hope you enjoy the story so far... I'm going to be trying to write everyday.... let me know how I'm doing so far:)

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