Lucian and I had slightly gotten used to the idea of fake dating to the point that we were more comfortable with holding hands and having arms around each other sometimes. No kisses, though, except the cheek. And I was very fine with that.

I held his hand in my lap and he didn't seem to be bothered by it. After a while, everyone kind of went into their own conversations with each other. Mariana, Abuela Anna, and Abuela Adria were talking amongst themselves about how happy they were about Lucian having a girlfriend. They looked at us every ten seconds then gushed and giggled.

I moved on to a conversation with Lucian. "This isn't as weird as I thought." I said truthfully, though that didn't mean it wasn't weird at all.

He sighed inaudibly before focusing his hazel grey eyes on me. "I guess you're right. I just wish they didn't say all that stuff about me."

I laughed a little. "The stories weren't that bad. Are you ready to turn 26?"

"Peyton I'm ready to be 98." I chuckled at his words. "Tomorrow is going to be exhausting with the big party and hundreds of family members and loud music. It's just another year in age, I don't know why we need to be so extra about it. Just give wishes and presents and it's all good. I honestly don't want anything I don't need."

"Well at least we care enough to acknowledge your birthday." I squeezed his hand.

The whole day I spent time with his family. Actually, as soon as our conversation ended, Diego came back and dragged Lucian away, and Mariana took me for a walk in the garden behind the house.

She told me about Lucian. Not like everyone else did--telling cute and embarrassing stories. She told me how his brain usually worked, how his emotions worked--everything. She said he had problems with expressing how he felt, and when he was growing up and learned to talk and walk, he never spoke to anyone, and wouldn't even hug his own mother. But he warmed up eventually, and he learned to talk to people because of his psychologist.

She told me to be extremely straightforward when he does something wrong. But extremely kind when he learns his mistakes. Just try not to start a fight, or else he will wind up hurting you. No matter how angry he is or how angry you are, be careful and gentle. She mentioned how he didn't believe in love, and how it's always been like that ever since he learned what being in love meant. It was more like he didn't want to end up like heartbroken people with all that depression and sadness.

"So really, Lucian isn't just...pessimistic. He just has that natural and pure logical way of thinking." I said, just to make sure I understood.

"Si. He cannot help it sometimes if he's super negative. He gets mood swings, but I'm sure by your knowing him for four months, you've already experienced it already?" She chuckled as I nodded as if to say 'tell me about it'. "Anyway, all I'm saying is to be good to him, and he'll be good to you. Is there anything you're keeping from him?"

I stayed silent. "He knows somewhat about it, but he doesn't know all of it."

"Oh, well I suggest you tell him before it's too late. Lucian can smell a lie from a mile away, and once he learns there's a secret being kept, he will stop at nothing to figure it out. So tell him." She said.

I can't, that's the problem. If I do, there's a higher risk of him dying before the age of 30. He will kill Lucian when he learns that Lucian is involved with me. He shouldn't know right now, there's no way.

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