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According to some Astronomy books, stars cause most disturbance when they disappear. However, to seventeen-year-old Lina Roth, the arrival of a new boy at Sagan High seems to point out the exact opposite.

Lina wasn't prepared for the rise of another star in her system. She wasn't ready to have everything she'd learnt until then questioned by a green eyed poet.

But, again, we don't get to choose the people we come across, or when to say goodbye. What is up to us to decide is whether they're more than just dust to our universe.


Hey, there! Thank you so much for giving this story a shot. DTTU is a project I've been working on for a while and, quite possibly, my first ever full-length story to be finished. I hope you enjoy it.


1) Since English is my second language, I'd like to apologize in advance for any mistakes that you may find. Feel free to point them out — that helps me a lot — as long as you do it politely.

2) The city of Tyson Valley (where the story takes place) is fictional.




V.P. Reis, 2018. All rights reserved.

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