
38 3 1

March 9 2014

I have just gotten back to the flat from a...meeting. John bombarded me with questions about the cat the second I walked through the door. He had my magnifying glass.

I did have a case today, which John has requested I blog about.

It was a suicide. Very similar to John's 'A Study In Pink', except, there will only be one victim this time.

He was found laying on the floor in the bathroom at the library. With an empty bottle laying next to him.

It was a water bottle so no one would find it too suspicious, no one but me.

It was clearly there to throw anyone else off that he probably just passed out.

There was little liquid left in the water bottle.

I had Molly run some tests on the liquid that appeared to be water, which, I guess you could say it was. But it wasn't pure.

There were traces of hemlock , a European plant that is highly poisonous, and, well, I'll spare you the details.

This man, in his late 30s, was given this bottle of liquid and told to drink it after he had finished a job. I have yet to figure out what that job was.

But I am more than certain that Jim Moriarty is behind this as well.

I am still working on this case and will blog more as it comes up.

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