I hurried myself along, ripping away the paper in under ten seconds, I wasn't sure if I should be excited or not, Coriane sure did, along with Cal.Mother kept a monotone expression her eyes examining everything and everyone. I refused to meet Father's gaze.

A small white box was concealed inside, maybe it was an action figure, Cal would know to get me that, (I think?) or lightweight shoes, something Father would want me to have, probably a new shoulder rest, something Mother would've nagged Dad for.

I took a breath flipping the top off to finding myself digging through unending layers of sparkling tissue paper. At the bottom laid two long scraps of card stock.

"Cruise Tickets?" I asked turning over the thick slices of paper in my hands

"We've known we've never been the tightest family," Coriane started

"Wonder why," Cal snorted from her side

"We've been thinking, with Cal off at college, and you joining him soon, time together is... precious," Coriane announced throwing her son a cold look then fixing her cloudy eyes on me. "And we thought it be good for us to spend at least one complete summer together before, you go off touring colleges next summer."

"Great idea," I murmured, analyzing the two slices of cardstock that wanted nothing more than to steal my summer, "I'm guessing the second if for a friend of my choosing?" I asked knowing the obvious answer, but I still dared to hope the second wasn't for Mother. I'd never agree with my free will if I couldn't bring Thomas, we'd spent every summer together in some aspect. Whether it was chatting over Xbox live or meeting up at the library. I'd go to every marching band competition and he'd show up to my summer orchestra concerts.

"I mean if you count your mother as a friend and you choose her, then I guess you could put things like that,but it is a family trip after all," Father huffed rolling his eyes at my insufferable comment, "though the Samos' will be attending also," He added not sounding too delighted. He and the Samos' had a confusing relationship, They were sorta the royal family of the iron industry, monopolized everyone out of business. Father was the equivalent of them in Coal industry, though they were in completely different sectors of economics they still made each other uneasy. If this was a family trip, why would they accompany us, you should feel comfortable around family and the presence of the Samos family we'd feel anything but Though I was deep in thought I didn't miss Cal's uncomfortable shift in Movement at the mention of their name, Could this have something to do with him?

"We'd be honored to accompany you and the Samos's," Mother announced shattering my train of thought and speaking for me.

I threw her a glare I wasn't sure I even wanted to go, I was about to open my mouth before her heel clamped down on my big toe. How did she walk in those things the heels tip was razor sharp, like everything else about her.

If Cal sitting right across from me noticed the distress on my face he didn't say anything, letting his mother speak the words I'd hoped someone would say. "And we'd be honored for you to join us, but," She said angling her attention towards me "We'd first like to hear Maven's response as it is his present," She said as kindly as she could. Sadly No amount of kindness Coriane could've conjured up could not evade the inevitable, Mother would offended and moody later,though Coriane wouldn't be affected I would...

"I'll consider it," I said with a smile, there was truly nothing for me to consider. Mother would never let me decline, I saw the way she looked at the tickets. She saw another way to bury herself further into the Calore family.

Coriane gave me a lighthearted smile, at that moment I understood a little bit more of Father's world why he'd stayed with and loved her.

"Anyone care for some dessert cocktails with homemade stolen?" Mother asked with a yawn. Dinner was nearly finished as the time neared seven thirty.

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