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-Alex's POV-

I woke up to the sound of my parents yelling at each other. As usual, they were fighting about God knows what. It definitely didn't help my headache either.

I sat up slowly but fell down on my bed quickly, because of the freaking headache.

I looked up towards the ceiling where I had collected a lot of photos. Behind all the photos was a picture of Kyle Smith. I've had a crush on him since the 7th grade, but it was only my best friend, Vanessa who knew that.

He used to be at my house a lot, since our mothers were best friends.

The best part about him was probably the fact that he was the school's bad boy. And you just gotta love bad boys

I started to remember parts from last night's party at Jaden's place. I was wondering where my friends were. I hadn't seen them all night, since I left with no one less than Kyle freaking Smith! Of course nothing happened. We just talked for hours and he drove me home.

Thinking about that made me smile.



After a shower, I went downstairs towards the kitchen to take an aspirin, but was stopped by my mother.

"Don't forget family night, tonight!" she said with an angry look. Yeah, my life is pretty good.

"Yes, mom" I answered giving her a small smile. The angry look on her face became a little less angry when she walked out of the front door. She was working at the hospital until 4 o'clock today.

I continued my walk towards the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water. I was just about to take the aspirin when my dad came furious into the room.

"Why does your mother have to be so damn serious about family night!?" Okay, maybe I don't have the perfect life, but it could be worse.

"Dad, you know this is important to her!" I told him with a serious look. He relaxed a bit but I saw that the anger wasn't fully gone. But after a few minutes he bent down and kissed my cheek.

"I have to go now, but I'll be back at 4, as promised." he said while walking out the door, the same way as my mother went only a minute ago.

"Bye dad! Love you!"



"Vanessa please! I'm only asking you for one thing and that's for us to hang out! C'mon, it's only for an hour. I thought you liked hanging out with me?" I pleaded while the bus parked outside my house.

"I'm sorry Alex, but this is the only night Jaden's free, and I've really missed him."

Jaden was Vanessa's boyfriend - a total jerk with an ego as big as Europe. Sure, he was good-looking, I give him that, but that doesn't prevent me from hating him.

It was three o'clock, which meant that mom and dad would me home in an hour. I would be lying if I said that I was looking forward to the evening.

"But what about 'chicks before dicks'" I really meant the dick part.

I was doing the puppy face but it didn't seem to work because the last thing I knew, I was walking up towards my house while Vanessa took the bus to Jaden's.

I was wishing for a boyfriend on my birthday, but I didn't think that would happen, since my birthday was the next day.

I took the extra key that was under the doormat and opened the door. I stopped in the middle of the action, wondering if mom and dad bought snacks.

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