Daughters of Men -- Chapter One

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Chapter 1: Invitations

Prince Woden was not surprised to find no greeting committee when he arrived on Otaura. True, his coming had been announced to all on the terra-formed planet, but the Chimeras were like that. 

An angry mutated lot, they hardly knew who to blame in their anger. The standard humans hated and persecuted them but, heck, the Chimeras were a self-loathing bunch, and they knew how monstrous they were. They could hardly despise the normative humans for despising them. As for the scientists who had created them, those idiots were all dead, the last one dying out about one hundred years ago. What was the use in raging against them? And the Overseers? the symbols of perfection and beauty whom even the regular humans envied? Well, the Chimeras had to admit that the Overseers had saved their hide – literally and figuratively– for over two hundred years now. And although the Chimeras hadn’t liked the idea of being carted off from earth, they had begun to like Otaura. It was a nice little place, and the Overseers were more than pleased to leave them alone to rule themselves. Except, of course... Well, there was the whole business of the Ruling House, the three princesses and Medusa.

Well they’ll just have to accept her willingly, Woden thought. If they know what’s good for them and the world. 

He dreaded the thought of each mutated group warring against another. The Race Wars had occurred so many years ago and it still haunted him. All those dead humans, dead chimera, decapitated Overseers. 

He stood on the landing platform beside Mercury, his pegasi, and waited for about twenty minutes...earth time. When no one showed up, he re-mounted his pegasi and flew toward Phedon’s compound in the tropical region. 

Traveling around its equator, he pondered anew all the restoring work he and his brothers had accomplished on earth in their two hundred years. And of course, he pondered Otaura – Otaura whose terrain and climate were so differentiated, distinct and diverse.  As he flew through the blue sky, creatures below, on, and above the earth, the glories of the solar system, the wonders in the far-off galaxies and man-made and natural satellites -- all seemed cloyed with wonder and beauty. 

Perfect for the Chimeric humans. Whatever form or mutation the chimeric tribe, each could find a home in Otaura’s cozy bosom.  The Overseers did not have to force the Chimera into any particular region. The minotaurs, centaurs, equines, primates, reptilians all found regions appropriate for their physical needs, strengths, and genetic traits. 

Otaura had been created and linked to the moons of Venus. Far enough from the earth to prevent the Chimera from thinking they could return. Near enough to enforce their commonality to earthly humans.

When Woden arrived at Phedon’s compound, Phedon walked out to greet him. Woden was startled for a moment. He had not seen Phedon in decades and had forgotten how physically and emotionally similar Janar and Phedon were. Dark like his Greek mother with straight dark shoulder-length hair and violet eyes, Phedon had a striking resemblance to Janar. So much so that it was often whispered among the Forsaken that they might be brothers, sons of the same father. Moreover Phedon and Janar had always been good friends. 

“I like your idea,” Phedon shouted as if they had only seen each other yesterday. “The Chimeras are so obstinate and warlike.  They need the princesses here to bind them together, to help create a true society, a true culture. And it must happen soon.”

“I see you’ve become like the rest of these Otaurans,” Woden said, dismounting Mercury. “You don’t greet your guests, either.”

“I had intended to,” Phedon said, smiling and walking toward him. “But the time came and went. That’s what happens when one has one’s mind on pressing matters. It was only now when I sensed your presence that I saw how quickly the time had fled.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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